My feedback
30 results found
56 votes
nikki57 supported this idea ·
64 votes19 comments · Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests » Effects, Appearance, Graphic Styles · Admin →
nikki57 supported this idea ·
56 votes
Hi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Hex code for the colors is visible in the Color and Swatch Option Panel. It will be visible for Global Colors as well. You can easily copy the Hex value by clicking on '#' icon before the code.
What's New in the release -
Thank you for all the feedback.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
61 votes
nikki57 supported this idea ·
76 votes
nikki57 supported this idea ·
80 votes
As stated in the article linked below, Pantone’s licensing with Adobe got changed.
Due to this change, customers will need to purchase Pantone Connect licenses to access Pantone colors in Adobe Creative Cloud products.
Alas, this is the world today.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
81 votes
nikki57 supported this idea ·
77 votes
Finally! In the latest Beta the Knife tool now works with Smart Guides.
Remember that holding Opt/Alt makes the Knife cut in straight lines.
Please test it and see if it works for you.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
91 votes
Illustrator allows option to Simulate Color Paper, whereby user can pick any color as the background. (This is accessible from File -> Document Setup)
Does this help solve the described concerns?
nikki57 supported this idea ·
140 votes
The recently announced change pushed into Beta 28.6.578 refers to this similar request:
The users can now use save custom presets within the Saved tab in the New Document dialog (modern one, not the legacy one). Please provide the dedicated feedback there.
As for the ability to change the existing predefined sizes for each document profile (Print, Web, etc,), like A1, A5, etc, — this is not yet available. Stay tuned and sorry for the misfire.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
90 votes
This particular issue of images from iOS screenshots getting distorted in Illustrator has been fixed now.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
112 votes
nikki57 supported this idea ·
92 votes
We would like to understand more about this request. Please me us know if you can talk to us on a call to demonstrate the issues in detail.
Yogeshnikki57 supported this idea ·
110 votes
Hi Everyone,
We have added this in January 2021 release (version 25.1).
Please see this link to know more:
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback
nikki57 supported this idea ·
145 votes
The 29.1 general release now allows to add gradient and pattern swatches into color groups.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
Export for Screens, CMYK to RGB
20230227_HYOF_DigniTea_Socials_I am 01.jpg 1762 KB -
RGB colour issue Screenshot 2023-02-27 113854.png 436 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.23.13.png 108 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12.38.51.png 196 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.23.26.png 67 KB -
Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 12.39.02.png 292 KB -
Screen Shot 2021-07-12 at 8.38.08 PM.jpg 302 KB
139 votesHi Everyone,
This functionality is available in our latest release build – 27.6.1.
Color Model selection for JPG is available in Export For Screens -> Advanced settings. Illustrator will allow you to choose - RGB, CMYK or Grayscale color model.
What's New in the release -
Thank you for all the feedback.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
184 votes
The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.
PDF is now available as type in File > Export > Export As dialog.
However, File > Adobe PDF Presets menu, similar to one InDesign has, to allow even quicker export, is absent still.
If you want to have it, please upvote this new request here:
nikki57 supported this idea ·
154 votes
Just a general status update. We are currently and will continuously improve SVG import support in Adobe Illustrator. We are currently working on solving the issues mentioned in this report. Please feel free to open new bug reports here on uservoice if you are experiencing additional/untracked issues.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
155 votes
The latest Beta build now allows us to create a gradient from selected swatches, using two ways:
- Select swatches you need (use Cmd/Ctrl to select several) and drag-n-drop them onto the gradient strip in Gradient panel.
- Select swatches you need and choose the new 'Gradient from Swatches Selection' command from the Swatches panel’s flyout menu.
In both cases new gradient stops will be spread uniformly, using the current order of swatches in the panel (not the order of selection).
If you have artwork selected in the document while doing this, the gradient will be automatically applied to it.
Please try the feature and comment back.
nikki57 supported this idea ·
162 votes
Live preview of color is now live in Illustrator 27.1.1, for Color Picker dialog, Color panel, Properties and Control panel, and Appearance panel.
It works in GPU mode only.
nikki57 supported this idea ·