David Castillo
My feedback
16 results found
20 votes
David Castillo supported this idea ·
76 votes
It is now obvious the issue was not fixed fully. The developers are aware of it now. Let’s hope it will be fixed soon enough.
If you have a solid order of steps which reproduce this behavior, share them in comments, because only some machines are affected. Please help the team to isolate it.
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo supported this idea ·
6 votes
David Castillo supported this idea ·
3 votes
David Castillo shared this idea ·
14 votes
The issue is no longer reproducible in later versions of Illustrator. Please comment back if it still does happen for you.
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
This is supremely annoying. When creating a new document, and manually setting the width and height to a "landscape" proportion (ie. 1920x1080), Illustrator's default Orientation setting (portrait) automatically overrides these manually entered numbers, and I end up with a portrait oriented document that I did not want.
This has never been an issue in previous versions prior to CC 2021.
David Castillo supported this idea ·
1 vote
David Castillo shared this idea ·
1 vote
David Castillo shared this idea ·
1 vote
David Castillo shared this idea ·
39 votes
I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.1.1 for Win and 24.1 for Mac which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
David Castillo supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
This is huge. I would say I create a folder at least 50% of the time from the Save dialog box. Not being able to do this is enough a reason for me to roll back to previous versions.
1 vote
Thanks for reporting the issue .
We are not able to reproduce the issue in house , Kindly provide following info to nail down this issue:
1)Kindly provide the snapshot of the panel , Screen resolution ,Operating System detail and share with us at ShareWithAI@adobe.com in a Zip file. Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.Thanks and Regards
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator TeamDavid Castillo shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
Please fix this!
David Castillo shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
Confirming Tab does not work here, unfortunately.
I wish Adobe would some day address all of these minor issues that have been persistent through many versions, over many years. The sum adds up.
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
In addition, one has to also click "Save" twice. Once to refresh the preview and again to actually save a file. Cumbersome.
David Castillo shared this idea ·
9 votes
David Castillo shared this idea ·
1 vote
You can switch off the bounding box and smart widgets by pressing shortcut Cmd + Shift + B and can use the drawing tools as legacy tools.
You can also select View→Hide bounding box for the same.For reverting back to current state again press the same shortcut or select View → Show bounding box
Hope this would help achieving your workflow.
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
Thanks—this is a good workaround, but not quite the same as the functionality from previous versions of Illustrator (3–4 versions back). The bounding box is not ideal when using the Shape tool, but it is preferred when using the Select tool.
It would be ideal to not toggle bounding box functionality in addition to changing the tool. It would be great to have those transform controls unique to the Select tool again.
David Castillo shared this idea ·
3 votes
David Castillo shared this idea ·
37 votes
Hello everyone,
Lately we have been thinking about improving the snapping / smartguide experience on Illustrator and we need your help in this process.
Please spare us some time of yours where we can come together on a online meeting and discuss your needs and pain point around snapping.
Please use this link to book an appointment : https://calendar.app.google/r6SRMqu9KJZvoXAE6
An error occurred while saving the comment David Castillo commented
Points on gradient (including freeform) should be allowed to snap.
David Castillo supported this idea ·
This issue persists in the latest build (26.0.2)