Bug in entering number values in transform panel
Version: CC 22 (and has happened in previous versions)
OS: Windows 10
There is a small bug that happens often when using the transform panel. I use it a lot to move and size objects with precision. Many times, I will want to move an object with the X and Y values. I will type a number, press enter and a completely different number value will automatically appear in the box and move it to that value. For example, I want to move an object to 4.25" in the Y axis and after I press enter, a value of 36.0833" appears and moves it to that value. It can happen up to three times before the number I want finally sticks. It is a minor inconvenience but would be great if this got fixed.

It is now obvious the issue was not fixed fully. The developers are aware of it now. Let’s hope it will be fixed soon enough.
If you have a solid order of steps which reproduce this behavior, share them in comments, because only some machines are affected. Please help the team to isolate it.
o8o4 commented
In my case, often ignores the first character I type and when I press enter a mess comes out.
Especially when I want to do it quickly on new object. -
Siena Von Knopka commented
This is so frustrating!!! Same thing as above is happening. This is not a minor inconvenience. It is CRITICAL. PLEASE FIX THIS!! THANK YOU!!
C commented
28.2, Mac. I have been reporting and voting for descriptions of this issue for almost every version for AT LEAST 10 years, and it persists. Different computers, different operating systems, different user accounts -- forever the same unaddressed problem. I disagree with the OP that it's a minor inconvenience.
(thanks to @Mr Label Co an actual workaround)
Justine Evans commented
Still persists in 28.2 and I use the transform panel all the time for creating labels with precision - PLEASE FIX!
Luis Colón commented
Sept 2023 and still the issue persist.. they don't give a...
Jordan Foster commented
This issue is still persisting in 27.7. Can you please fix this? It is a huge issue when trying to be accurate in Packaging. We are having to use older versions in all of our courses.
Jason Burnett commented
This is actually a big problem with all panel values in Illustrator. There are standards that we comne to rely on when "selecting and focusing" input fields that are not being honored by illustrator.
For example, WHEN FOCUSING AN INPUT FIELD, select the entire contents of the field every time. DO NOT EVER INSERT THE INSERTION POINT where the person clicked, for example. ALWAYS SELECT ALL when activating a field.
This is true if you tab into the field, click to activate it, if it is activated by a third party plugin. ALWAYS SELECT THE ENTIRE CONTENTS of the field when activating a field.
I cannot tell you how many times a day I click the X field and type in my value, press tab, and have to deal with a modal dialog box telling me that it didn't understand. THIS IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA.
Either that or if I enter 45 and tab, it sometimes puts 45 in the middle of the previous X value. Now my artwork is at 3459px because it was 39px and I clicked it to make 45, but Illustrator inserted my cursor in the middle rather than selecting the content.
This is also a problem with units. Whatever the default units, keep them unless I specify differently. But if I don't specify units, you can rest assured that whatever I enter into that field will be using the default units.
This is probably my biggest complaint (or second biggest) with Illustrator. Devs need to implement industry standards for INPUT field UX. If I want to insert my insertion point in the middle of a value, I'll click a second time once the field is FOCUSED. That's how it is supposed to be done.
Amit T commented
I'm running 26.3.1 and this issue is still present. I can not even change the values in the X, Y, W and H fields.
Why am I paying for this software that doesn't let me do one of the most basic of things?
Admin, your last response here was in 2019. Please stop ignoring the issue.
David Castillo commented
This issue persists in the latest build (26.0.2)
ranks commented
This issue is happening for me in version 25.4.1
enter a Value and illustrator makes up a new number (but never the correct number) and inserts that and moves the object. -
Andrew commented
Same issue here on 25.4.1, so frustrating that I cannot move or resize items via the transform panel. A simple move to 0x/0y or minor resize repositions off the page and onto somewhere random on the pasteboard. Been this way for months now for me. MAJOR bug that needs to be fixed.
BTW unchecking use preview bounds does nothing for me either. -
aTsai8867 commented
in version 25.3.1
objects keep slightly changing their position and size (whole numbers to .9985px or .0003px, etc)
it's very frustrating -
lmrusnak commented
I'm in version 25.3.1 and can't adjust the x/y w/h in the properties menu. This is frustrating.
Unchecking preview bounds in align panel does nothing.
Anon commented
I'm in version 25.2.3 it's 2021 and this just started happening to me. WTF!
MR LABEL CO commented
Finally found the fix in another thread. Uncheck (use preview bounds) in the Align panel options.
MR LABEL CO commented
FIX THIS ASAP!! We are in the print industry and size is VERY important! All sizes are off in the Transform panels both in the top bar and in the floating panel.
Shape panel is correct and rectangle properties is correct. See attached trying to make a 1" x 1" square.
OS Big Sur 11.2.3
emily commented
BUG is still HUGE issue
We need to make sure artboards are perfect in dimensions in mm form. It was working correctly for the past couple weeks. Now it is rounding up.
Deleted app, switched inches to mm, restarted comp. Nothing. Tried to input it manually. For example need artboard to be 129.9129mm x 43.4008 but it rounds up to be 129.913x43.401Pls fix this ASAP this is effecting our production
Anonymous commented
This is still a problem in 24.2.3. and 24.3 (Mac OS version)
I enter 25mm with for a rectangle without outlines and illustrator changes it to 25.003mm, 124.967mm and other unwanted sizes.
I enter it 3 or 4 times and finally sticks to 25mm.
It's a shame that this expensive program can't fulfil such a basic task. -
Richard commented
Still a problem. I can't make anything on full point sizes. I'll type in "0p5" and it turns into "0p5.0004". I can't even set my keyboard increment to 1 pt. in the preferences panel. It seems like the only whole point values illustrator will accept are multiples of 3 like 0p6 and 0p9.
Morgan commented
I unchecked "align to pixel grid" in the transform box and it fixed it.