Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
4535 results found
Additional arrow-key nudge values by using key combinations...
I would like the ability to specify multiple nudge values for the arrow keys to be used when certain key combinations are used - so that different nudge distances could be achieved with different arrow key combinations, such as:
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Arrow29 votes -
Add trackpad support for Windows / Surface devices (zoom, scroll, etc.)
Windows Surface Book trackpads have little to no gesture support. It's incredibly annoying. Please add pinch to zoom, two finger scrolling, etc.. The same functionality you would expect on a macbook would be great.
29 votes -
Lock palettes or allow to undo UI changes
So many times I accidentally dragged palettes' icons instead of clicking them to open/close! Each time then I had to drag it back to place it was before or reset my workspace! A simple command 'Undo last UI change' or tick 'Lock UI' would save a lot of time for such clumsy people as I.
29 votes -
Make setting reference point hotkeyable
Problem Description:
I change the reference point all the time.
I'm so tired of grabbing a mouse and searching for a reference grid and precisely clicking in a tiny-tiny square.
Please add a possibility to set a hotkey for each position!Look, there is a whole numbers block at the right side of a keyboard (if you are not using these fancy ***** castrated versions which don't have it). I could have used it to set the reference point, using something like Ctrl+Shift+3 to set it to the right bottom.
I can use an action for doing this, bit I'm…29 votes -
When will it be possible that Adobe Illustrator to create and import objects of more than 32000 points?
When will it be possible that Adobe Illustrator to create and import objects of more than 32000 nodes? Why is it still cannot (at the end of 2017)? It is a very big limitation for those of us who work in mapping projects (because the vector geometries are in need of a great graphic definition).
An added problem is that even though we use specific plugins of cartography (Avenza MAPublisher, for example) like they work in Adobe Illustrator they suffer the same limitation and they do not suppose any alternative…
By when a definitive solution?
29 votes -
Option to permanently expand areas of the Properties panel
I have a lot of empty space in the new Properties panel.
Having to click the '...' every time I want to access extra options seems clunky when I have so much unused space.
In the old interface you could double-click on the top bar of a panel and it would expand to your preference and remember that expansion.
A similar option here would be welcome.-
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29 votes -
Make rulers bigger in with larger UI scales
I know Illustrator has the 'For High PPI Displays . . .' option for higher scale factors but, that is reliant on the OS custom graphic scaling.
1 - Either allow for custom/pre-set ruler size or
2 - Make it like Photoshop.29 votes -
Type on path with multiple lines
We need to extend Type on Path to allow it to be multiline.
The picture does explain it well enough.
Instead of manual offsetting lines (I used AG Offset tool to make a lot of them at once) and making threads, we should be able to just tick an option and get a LIVE result.Also, please see the related request about upgrading the UX of Type on Path as well:
Vote!28 votes -
Delete Hidden Layers command - Inappropriately named?
The latest version of Illustrator (25.3) introduces a new command in the flyout menu of the Layers palette. It is called Delete Hidden Layers.
It's a useful command, but it also deletes hidden groups and objects inside visible layers and visible groups as well. These are not what most Illustrator users would describe as 'Layers' and thus the naming of this command may cause a lot of trouble.
There should perhaps be at least two or three different commands: Delete Hidden Layers and Delete Hidden Objects and Delete All Hidden Items.
28 votes -
Make conical gradient
Don't tell me about mesh trick, it has it's limits and surely is not that easy to use.
Just make Conical type gradient from the box.28 votes -
Add a button to save document presets like Photoshop has
Photoshop has a button to save presets when you create a new document. I love that feature makes my job easier, I wish Illustrator had that same button instead of having to save the files as templates. So much simpler and faster with the button right there.
28 votesSaving custom presets is now available in BETA starting V28.6.578.
With this new change, you can now configure your own document preset and save it for later use. To access this functionality, configure your preset from the File > New dialog (only for the modern one, the legacy dialog don’t provide it) and click the Save Preset button next to the document’s name in the top right corner of the dialog.
Your custom preset is now saved and accessible from the 'Saved' category.
Please try out this feature, so that if there are any feedback from you, we can resolve them and make this feature available to everyone.
Paragraph shading, borders, rules
Can we get Paragraph Shading and Border like InDesign?
Right now I am forced to draw a rectangle behind the text I intend to highlight.28 votes -
Add keyboard shortcut for Locate Object button in Layers Palette
Every button and every command in AI should be bound-able to hotkey.
28 votes -
Preview Mode
Like InDesign, incorporate a preview mode to show only the content inside of the artboard to see the final preview.
28 votes -
OpenType ligature features ccmp and rlig do not work with variable font
OpenType ligature features ccmp and rlig are active by default. But they do not work with variable font (liga and dlig will work).
28 voteswe have made note of this feature request and added to backlog
Real-time file collaborative editing, with multiple users at once
I would suggest that Illustrator can open a file on several devices, perhaps 2 or 3 max. and allow a team of designers to work and brainstorm on the same file at the same time as an online service from Adobe.
This can be used for other adobe design programs as well such as Photoshop.28 votes -
Allow to snap gradient sliders to integer values
I'm huge fan of snapping.
I snap tabs to units, I snap to grid, I snap almost everything — this allow me to narrow my design workflow and keep artwork organized.
Not everyone does need this, but I do.I suffer from absence of snapping for gradient sliders.
I wish I can move one and make it snap at 40, by eye, and not 40.73 and then correct this value by hand.
Please, make an option to snap sliders to integer values.28 votes -
Make units and grid settings to be bound to file
I work for screen and print media simultaneously in different files
I work in metric units.
I need to have 'mm' for general-stroke-type in design for printing and 'px' in other file for screen.
I'm so tired to change units every time I Ctrl+Tab between them. By hand, every time!
Ctrl+Shift+U change only general units, and I have to skip all picas-inches I never use.
I have to Ctrl+K, click Units and drop down three menus every time I need to see units I need in file I need!
PostScript is cool, point reassigned as a strict fraction of an…28 votes -
Export for Screens .pdf saves all artboards in file
When Export for Screens is used to export pdfs, it saves ALL artboards for every .pdf, creating very large files. This means I have to export the pdf, then reopen the pdf in Illustrator and manually delete the other artboards and other artwork and resave it so that the pdf only contains the artboard that should be in that file.
This is clearly not the intention of the feature.
It would actually be quicker to just copy and paste it into a new file, as it can take a lot of time if you have a large file with multiple…
28 votesAsset export dialog does not have this option to export each file as a separate file it only has option on all artboards in one file, range of artboards or selected artboards in the dialog or the whole of document into one pdf file.
I am moving this request as a new feature request -
Adding more brushes to the touch workspace...
I would like to be able to change my brush style while I'm working in the touch workspace. I can go into the essentials workspace and it reverts back to a simple brush when you change back to the touch workspace. It's extremely frustrating. Other programs can use other brushes and change layers, so it makes using Illustrator for drawing very difficult.
28 votes
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