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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4570 results found

  1. Preserve Styles when Copy/Pasting Text from Illustrator to InDesign

    Would love for the ability to copy formatted text directly from within Illustrator and paste into InDesign without it removing the formatting/styles.

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  2. Randomize Named Colors

    i love the randomize colors that freehand used to have.
    l'd like to see that feature on illustrator.

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  3. Multi page pdf import - need option to distribute artboards

    Here is the comparison of Importing 300 pages pdf vs creating same 300 pages via new document dialogue. Are we still in the same product?

    Expected .Distributing the artboards evenly or even giving options to distribute artboards during pdf import.

    Observed: facepalm

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  4. create outline

    when we create outline the text it will be convert it to the one object and group
    we need to convert every word group object not all the text title
    to can be flixable manage the typography design

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  5. Keyboard shortcuts for Bold and Italic text

    It would be useful if, while typing/editing text, there was a keyboard shortcut to add BOLD or ITALICS - highlight the word, hit CTRL + B to bold, for example.

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  6. Save recovery data unless file is over *** MB...

    Love that AI now saves recovery data. However, half the time I'm turning it off because I'm working on a large file that takes a good amount of time to save. It would be nice if I could set a threshold for this feature - or better yet, have the time variable based on the file size. E.G. If I set saving every 5 minutes it will automatically extend that time as the file size grows larger, so say a 300MB file would save every 15 mins, etc..

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  7. Notes Feature

    Create a notes panel to write notes for yourself, the next person working on your file, the print house, etc.

    The notes would pop up first thing when you open a file, and can be printed, amended, deleted etc... they could be print instructions, or time logs, or anything deemed of value to associate with the document.

    These notes would travel with the document.

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  8. Change order of assets in Library...

    Allow us to organize the library better, e.g., change the order that assets appear in inside a library.

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  9. 3 votes

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  10. Script for Data Merge from Excel into Illustrator

    I am looking for a way to import Excel data into specific layers in Adobe Illustrator CC 2017.

    Essentially to have the Excel data tables to link to different artboards and be able to be updated each time the file is opened or as needed. Assuming this would be some kind of script so one could just run the script again or a data merge process (similar to what is available in InDesign.

    Thanks in advance!

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  11. When you draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track of first to last click. Using appearance pallet apply 2 strokes

    ability to draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track first to last click not allowing inner color overlapping when using appearance pallet and applying 2 strokes to the path.

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  12. Blob Brush Resizing Hotkeys

    Blob Brush and Brush Tool Resizing: It would be amazing if the key command that works for resizing the Warp Tool (i.e., Option + Shift + Drag and Option + Drag) could be used in the same way to resize the Blob Brush and Brush tools.

    That would smooth the workflow and increase the intuitiveness of the resizing function SO much. :)

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  13. Better performance over networks by automatically copying files locally...

    We store all our files on a network drive. Now I know that illustrator performance improves if I copy the network files locally before opening them in illustrator, but this is a major pain because I have to copy them back afterwards and if there are linked assets involved it becomes too much having to verify that all the links are pointing to the correct location.

    It would be nice if AI had an option to do this copying automatically so that all non-local files that are opened are copied first into a temporary local directory and then saved back…

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  14. Key command for scrolling thru blend modes

    You know how Photoshop has a quick key command for scrolling thru blend modes? Why not one for Illustrator?

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    You can assign your own custom hotkeys for these commands, using Keyboard Shortcuts dialog: select Tools from the drop-down menu (yes, that’s an unexpected place), and search for ‘blend’ — last two found commands are ‘Blend Mode – Next Mode’ and ‘’Blend Mode – Previous Mode’ — assign any keys you want or use Photoshop-like keys, Shift+Plus and Shift+Minus.
    The only difference between Ai and Ps is that Illustrator does not loop the list like Photoshop does… There is another request for this: — please vote there if you believe this should be addressed.

  15. Automatically focus stroke or fill based on the current appearance of selected object

    It would be great if AI took into account the attributes of an object and flipped the stoke and fill palette default accordingly automatically. If I have a circle that is filled blue and I want to change it, I would like AI to recognise the blue fill on selection and switch the fill palette to the default and vice versa for a stroke only object as it is more likely that I want to change that attribute than anything else. I find this very frustrating.

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  16. Make Mesh Envelope Distort work with linked images

    Since Free distort doesn't support images at all, both linked or embedded.
    I have to use envelope distortion each time I need to distort an image within AI.
    But I have to break link with image for this, because Envelope works only with embedded images sadly.

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  17. Make Free Distort work with images

    Free distort doesn't support many object types.
    Please make it work with images, both linked or embedded.
    I have to use envelope distortion (with embedded only, breaking link with image) each time I need to distort an image within AI.

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  18. Make option to generate compound paths instead of groups when text is outlined

    Create simple black-on-white string of text.
    Outline it.
    AI will make a group of compound paths.

    I would like to have a non-default option that would make AI generate one big compound path instead of group of paths.
    If text has more then one character color within it — only then this option would produce a group, with a colored compounds within.

    Right now I have to use an Action (ungroup, release compound path, make compound path) and manually run it for every string/area of text before proceeding to next step of my workflow.
    I will make a script to…

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  19. Make ImageTrace Like CS5 LiveTrace

    ImageTrace may use less points but it completely gets rid of any ink bleed when tracing inked line art. The ink bleed was achievable with CS5 Live Trace but once ImageTrace was introduced it's not possible to achieve with any setting.

    Please make ImageTrace great again, it was great as CS5 LiveTrace. Unbeatable. At least make CS5 available through Adobe CC subscription if nothing else.

    I know I'm not the only one, please upvote if you feel the same way and miss the accuracy of CS5 LiveTrace.

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  20. Opening old Freehand files in Illustrator?

    Can you guys bring this "feature" to Illustrator?

    There are a lot of old Freehand users still having TONS of Freehand files (illustrations, assets, icons, etc.) in their archives waiting for the day when Illustrator will open old Freehand files so we can reuse them once more!

    I know this is a lot to ask, but can you guys give it a try?


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