Off-center FIT TO SCREEN when copy/pasting object
Hello - I'm about as expert an illustrator user can get - for years I've used FIT ARTBOARD (option-0) as a way to cut/paste pixel perfectly centered artwork. The latest AI version 2017 is off - I realize align to artboard is the intended feature to attain this effect, however that way somewhat stinks because you can't make into a shortkey. Why doesn't (command-0) no longer perfectly center my artboard? (NOTE: the off-centered-ness varies from .1 to .01 inches - so very small -- but significant if you're doing engineering grade designs) -- thank you.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Jessie Kendall commented
Um... This is still broken now that I'm in Version 27.7. What happened to the old reliable Command + 0 then paste to art board function???
Jessie Kendall-Marks commented
Oh sweet baby goodness, bless you. This has been broken for nearly 7 or 8 years!!!! Its been driving me mad. Thank you for acknowledging this post. I have tried to report this separately, but this one was finally picked up. Sincerely, thank you :0)
Alfred commented
Am Having the same issue! Has anyone figured out how to fix this. Thanks
Jessie Kendall-Marks commented
What version would you revert to that would even still function?? The copy paste "center to artboard" shortcut command has not worked in at least the last 5-7 years!!! I wish I could call adobe and have them fix this. Driving me nuts for far too long.
Jamie commented
Lord help us all! LOL I just updated this week and I'm HATING the newest version. This is one of the reasons why and I am seriously contemplating going back to my previous version because the copy and paste will not center on my artboard. Sooooo frustrating!!!
Anonymous commented
Just upgraded to Illustrator 2019 (v. 23.0.2) and having the same problem not centering after C&P. Very frustrating
John Mensinger commented
Reproduced here as well, v 23.0.1, running in Windows 7.
Jessie Kendall-Marks commented
Yes Adobe, please fix this back to the way it was — so critical for logo design and working quickly! Why do critical functions like this get lost when updating software??
Anonymous commented
has any work around been found? I'm having this same issue.