Selecting hidden guides by mistake
This is difficult to explain, so I'll just go through some steps:
Create some horizontal guides. Make sure they aren't locked.
Now hide guides, you don't want to be bothered with them while you're working on some objects in a different column.
Add some circles or something. They need to overlap where you drew the guides originally.
Drag select over your circles and distribute them on center.
It took me a while to figure this one out. searching for it was no help.
The reason it looks jacked is that it's allowing you to move the guides as objects. You can't See that you have them selected, but you do, and so it's distributing those as well.
You shouldn't be able to select a hidden guide at all. You can't select a hidden object, why should guides be any different? That's the main issue here. Please fix that.

Nope, it works fine for me.
Hidden unlocked guides don't get selected when you marquee place where they are (but hidden).
May be you guide is a part of the group? Than it will be selected, of course, when you select parent object.