Making changes to rgb vector artwork causing color changes
Using the latest version of Illustrator CC, when I open a particular logo (a multi-layered object with active strokes) and make any changes (ex: outline strokes, rotate, re-scale, etc), I experience a color dulling and color changes to the entire logo.
Oddly enough this only happens with the RGB version of the logo, not the CMYK version of the logo. And when I cmd-z these actions the color dulling / color changes won't revert back. In all of my years using Illustrator I've never witnessed this strange behavior, which is why I assume this is a bug.
Even stranger, after the color changes appear, when I try applying the same exact color swatch to all layers, some of the colors still remain dull. For example, if I select the leaf in the artwork (which consists of a color fill and a stroke) and I apply the same color swatch to both the color fill and stroke, the stroke shows a dull color, yet the color fill shows the actual color. Even though all layers and groups show 100% opacity. The file has been set to RGB color mode, has been converted to RGB, and I'm using RGB swatches.
Can someone please look into this? I'm unable to make edits to my files. Could this be a result of opening a PDF file that was created in a past version of Illustrator on another computer? I wouldn't think that would be the issue since the file doesn't use anything fancy (just brush strokes and color fills), and this doesn't explain why I'm not experiencing these problems with the CMYK version of the same exact artwork.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.