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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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136 results found

  1. 画像トレースのパスが粗すぎる


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  2. Artboard Borders / Guides / Grid Disappear when Scrolling/Panning

    When I scroll or pan with the scrollbars or the hand tool the black border of the artboards disappear. This is super annoying as I keep my canvas white, so when I'm moving around the canvas, I can't see where the artboards are until I release the hand tool.

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  3. Template Layers Still Visible on Export for PNG and JPG

    I am creating a logo package for a client and am attempting to export multiple logos / graphics with transparent backgrounds using the export panel. I've already confirmed multiple times that my PNG settings include transparency and that the View > Overprint Preview setting is unchecked. My background layer is set to non printing, however any PDF or PNG I export includes a visible background layer. I can completely hide this layer to avoid exporting it, but then I can't see my artwork correctly. The whole point of non printing layers is to see them when you are designing without…

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  4. Shift-clicking a swatch in Control bar to show alternate color UI no longer works

    Shift-clicking a swatch in Control panel no longer opens the color mixer.
    Clicking a swatch in Control panel then double-clicking the swatch no longer works.

    Apple M1 MacOS Sonoma 14.5
    2024 Illustrator 28.6

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  5. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定したドキュメントをPDFで書き出したものがオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる

    Illustrator ver.28.6

    1. いくつかの図形を重ねて合成モードを乗算に設定したうえでグループ化しグループの抜きのチェックボックスを外す。
    2. ドキュメントのグループの抜きを設定する。
    3. PDF X4で保存する。
    4. そのPDFをAcrobatで開く。
    5. Illustrator上でのオーバープリントプレビューの表示と異なる。

    Actual result

    Expected Result


    Step to reproduce
    1. Overlap some shapes, set each objects the blending mode to Multiply, group them, and uncheck the KnockoutGroup checkbox in the Opacity panel.
    2. Set the Page Knockout Group.
    3. save the document as PDF X4 format.
    4. Open the PDF in Acrobat.
    5. The overprint preview in Illustrator is different between PDF.

    Actual result
    The display in Illustrator is different from the exported PDF.

    Expected Result
    The display of the PDF and the…

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  6. SVG Precision and options are reset on every launch of IL. Add a place in IL preferences allowing users to permanently set SVG precision.

    I've gone over this problem in detail on the forums here:

    Illustrator's precision for saving out SVG files has a default of 1 decimal place. This can cause severe path distortion and rounding errors in the resulting file if you simply save it with CTRL+S.

    This precision setting is reset to 1 after closing and re-opening Illustrator no matter what settings you have applied in the past. To rectify this, you have to:

    1. FIRST select "Save As..."
    2. Choose SVG as your format.
    3. Click save and wait for the SVG options dialog to appear.
    4. Change the precision value from 1…
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  7. Threaded text area box disappears after saving

    MacOS Ventura 13.7
    Illustrator 28.6 and newer

    When I convert a document to curves, save a copy, and then press Undo so I can have the text boxes editable again. As soon as I press Save after doing this, the second text frame in a thumbnail in Finder vanishes, while still existing in the document.

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  8. 線を細く設定した際の表示バグ


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  9. Missing fonts warning when no fonts are missing

    Every time I open any illustrator document, the missing fonts box shows up telling me all of the fonts are missing, but when I click replace fonts, they don't show as missing any more and there's no issue. This is a really annoying bug.

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  10. CS2形式(AI、EPS)で保存したファイルが、IllustratorCS2で開けない。



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  11. 「ドキュメントの描画モードを分離」を適用したIllustrator形式ファイルを配置すると中身が表示されない


    1. 新規ドキュメント上に適当に図形を描画、描画モード(乗算など)を設定する。
    2. ドキュメントの描画モードを分離を設定してIllustrator2020形式(PDF五感)で保存する。
    3. 新規ドキュメントを作成し、先のドキュメントを配置する。
    4. 配置されたドキュメントの内容が表示されず、空白のドキュメントを配置した状態と同様にある。





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  12. Panning with hand tool is not fluid

    Using hand tool and moving through the file is not fluid!! Version 28.6

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    Thank you for reporting the issue. However, we are unable to reproduce it on our end. To help us investigate further, could you kindly provide the following:

    1. The AI file where the issue occurs.
    2. A short screen recording demonstrating the problem.

    This will enable us to analyze and address the issue more effectively.

    Warm regards,

    Aishwarya G Gadodia

    Illustrator Team

  13. Since MacOs Sequoia upgrade, Illustrator randomly recording / monitoring screen despite disabled in Privacy settings.

    Since MacOs Sequoia upgrade, Illustrator randomly recording / monitoring screen despite disabled in Privacy settings. Sequoia bug, AI bug, or Sequoia revealing this was happening all along. Could just be the color picker, could not. Doesnt happen reliably with color picker use. Only happens in Illustrator and only since the Sequoia upgrade. Something isnt working right between the OS and app.
    If screen monitoring is turned off, Illustrator should not be able to monitor.

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    Illustrator uses Apple screenshot API to pick colors outside the Illustrator window with Eyedropper tool. Apple has enhanced security in the recent OS updates to let user know which applications are recording the screen, whether you pick a color value of single pixel or recording the entire screen.

    Illustrator is not recording users's screen, it is required for Eyedropper tool to pick color from single pixel.

  14. Rotation of Grid Repeat does not work.

    rotating a grid repeat causes several bugs. One of them is that the handles aren't working correctly.

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  15. When using Export As SVG in 28.5 and 28.6, underscores get replaced with '_x5F_', unlike in 28.4 and earlier

    When exporting to .svg, '_x5F' text is added to one of the layers, which then changes the order that things are displayed.
    I do not understand how this text is now added and would like to prevent it from happening.

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  16. オプティカルカーニングのテキストにタブを設定しても揃わない - Optical kerning text does not align when tabs are set


    MacOS Monterey(12.7.4) + Illustrator 2024(28.4.1)

    1. テキストオブジェクトに文字パネルで「文字間のカーニング:オプティカル」を設定する
    2. 「タブ」パネルで「タブ揃え」、「タブ位置」、「リーダー」を設定する





    ---Use translation tools---

    When "Tab" and "Leader" are set on optical kerning texts, texts are not aligned at the tab position.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. set optical kerning to the text.
    2. set tab alignment, tab position, and leader in the "Tabs" panel.

    Expected result
    Text is aligned at the specified position.

    Actual result:.
    Text is not aligned at the specified position.

    - Set kerning other than "optical" only for tabs in text.
    - Use kerning other than…

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  17. 不透明マスクで形状のぬきを定義を設定時、不透明マスクがオブジェクトの不透明度の影響を受ける

    1. 任意の色を付けた矩形の上に任意の形状のオブジェクトを起き白黒グラデーションを指定し、双方を選んで透明パネルにてマスクボタンをクリック。
    2. 背面に大きめの矩形を配置し。1の不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトと一緒に選択し、グループの抜きを指定する。
    3. 不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトをダイレクト選択ツールで選択肢。不透明マスクで形状のぬきを定義チェックボックスをチェックすると不透明マスクでグループの抜きが適用された状態になる。
    4. 不透明マスクを適用したオブジェクトの不透明度を調節すると不透明マスクの不透明度も変化し抜きの状態が変化する。しかし、透明パネルでマスクオブジェクトを確認すると不透明度は変化していない。



    Step and Reproduce
    1. place an object of any shape on top of a rectangle of any color, specify a black and white gradient, select both objects, and click the mask button in the transparency panel.
    2. Place a larger rectangle on the back, select it together with the object to which the opacity mask is applied (1), and apply Knockout Group.
    3. Select the object to which the opacity mask is applied with the Direct Selection tool. Check the "Opacity & Mask Define Knockout Shape"…

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  18. 3D RGB vector object pasted via clipboard in Photoshop becomes CMYK when editing its content

    Hello! I encountered this error: a vector RGB object with 3D effect, pasted as a smart object from Illustrator to Photoshop via clipboard, opens as CMYK when its contents are edited. Screen recording attached.
    Windows 11 23H2
    Illustrator 28.5
    Photoshop 25.7

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  19. Illustrator breaks lines of Latin area type text without hyphens at arbitrary positions

    It is truly a disaster. Working with packaging in different languages, I experience this problem very often. I am forced to format the text in indesign, convert it to paths and paste it into Illustrator...

    Here a sample file: it seems this issue affects especially Cyrillic, but only in certain fonts.
    Indesign handles it correctly.
    To avoid this, I've made a script that assign the "no break" attribute to every word in a selected paragraph.

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    The font team informs, the font used is a Japanese font, developed by Coji Morishita. Even though it has Latin and Cyrillic glyphs in it, it’s displayed in the Japanese section in the font list, and has a preview rendered in Japanese (when no text is selected and 'Show Font Names in English' is disabled in Preferences > Type.

    CJK fonts, such as this one, allow to break one character per word, and this extends to Cyrillic glyphs these might have, even with the correct language is picked in Character panel.

    The team is considering to treat Cyrillic like non-CJK when the CJK font's Cyrillic is not full-width, but currently sees it as a narrow case.

  20. Filled area text boxes do not export to SVG (v. 28.4.1)

    In the current 28.4.1 version, our files do not export to SVG correctly. You can easily reproduce this by creating any area text box and apply a fill to the box. The text will export, but not the filled box. We use this for all our our org charts and other graphics where we want the text to be easily centered in the boxes as the boxes get resized and moved.

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