Large Amounts of Text overrun text area, disregard justification
I'm using Illustrator CC (2017).
I am creating a 6'x4' poster, where a single text box holds the entire text of the Bible (~730,000 words) as a single string of text (regular spaces between words, but no paragraph returns) in Helvetica Neue Lt Std, 107 Extra Bold Condensed, 3 pt size with 2.7 pt leading, all caps, full justification, default hyphenation. I am using a text wrap around a compound object with a transparent fill to create a negative space in the midst of this text block (in my case, that compound object is text converted to a shape, so the negative space forms the mission statement of our church).
I'd expect the text to full justify properly, aligning to the left and right edges of the rectangular text box and evenly around the compound shape.
The actual result is in the attached image; as you can see in the attached "illustrator-FullJustificationIssue-2.jpg" and "...-3.jpg", the text both over- and underruns the right edge of both the text box and compound shape it's supposed to be wrapping around.

Thanks for reporting this bug Illustrator Team really appreciate this.
We are able to reproduce this issue in house and we are investigating it .
Design Dept commented
I'm seeing this in updated CC as of Feb 2019 — what's driving me nuts is that for some files, full justified text boxes seem to work! I can copy those text boxes into a file where I'm having difficulty, and it still works. I can cut the text out and place it into a new text box, and it still works! But for some reason, re-streaming NEW text into the box that's working breaks it. And creating a new text box for new text is always broken, too. Not sure what a workaround is ...
Richard commented
I'm surprised this isn't a more voted on bug. I have this issue in my up-to-date CC as well. This happens if I adjust the glyph scaling or letter spacing percentage proprieties in justification options outside of their default values, making the properties unusable.
I use them all the time in ID to improve paragraph justification. (I generally set letter spacing to -3%, 0 ,3% and glyph scaling to 98%, 100%, 102%)
Other char/para settings, or computer specs don't make a difference. Happens without textwraps.
I see this sometimes too, but not in such huge scales.
How did you solve it for now? Separate shapes, stitched together? Migration to ID?