"Place copy" of RGB CC library item in CMYK doc changes document color setting to RGB
Illustrator 21.1.0
1. Created text or other items in an RGB AI doc.
2. Add to CC library via drag and drop.
3. Open CMYK AI doc
4. Right click the RGB item and select "Place Copy" (looks like that's cut off on the GIF — probably recorded with too few frames).
Expected result: RGB items converted to CMYK
Actual result: CMYK doc converted to RGB

We are pleased to inform you that your request is available in the latest release of Illustrator version 22.0.
Visit your Adobe Creative Cloud Application and update. If you do not see an update on the application please check for update from the flyout options on the application after clicking on three vertical dots. For step by step process please visit: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/download-install-app.html#Checkforupdates
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
Adobe. Make It an Experience.
Anonymous commented
How long will this fix remain in Beta? it has been more than 3 months and no patch yet
Len De Groot commented
Works like a charm. Thanks!
Lorena Elebee commented
Yes, agree. It would be nice to have more control over Illustrator's document color profile without having it changed by text or other items copied over via the CC Libraries. Illustrator would be improved if there was more control from forced color setting conversions.