Scaling only appearance (without objects) doesn't work
I want to scale appearance of my art only, without changing scale of art itself. The way I'm trying to do it — is to use Scale tool's dialogue with 'Transform objects' unchecked and 'Scale strokes and effects' checked.
AI does nothing.
Strangely, but if I cut and paste this art into new document, AI don't allow to uncheck 'Transform objects' anymore.
I can work around this, scaling art with effects down, and then enlarge only art, without effects, up to desired size, but this is not very nice way to do it.
Photoshop does scaling of effects all right.

Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this issue. Could you kindly provide the following information to help us nail this down.
Please share the document in which this issue is seen by you.
1) Kindly share a video recording for the issue
2)Please share your system details - OS, GPU etc.
3)Please upgrade to the latest Illustrator available on Creative Cloud , and check if issue is still happening at your end.
Aishwarya 'G' Gadodia
Illustrator Team
Actually, I am wrong, the issue persists in some way.
Take a look at the file.
The group does not have any pattern applied to any of its parts, therefore 'Transform Objects' option is disabled — because it actually relates to the option next to it, 'Transform Patterns'. Very confusing. And if you want to scale ONLY strokes & effects, but not the geometry, you can’t do that directly. E.g. you have to scale it up physically with 'Scale Strokes & Effects' option on and then scale back with the same option off.
If you apply a pattern to any object, the options are magically get enabled.
Finally, if you want to scale only strokes, but not effects, or vise versa... well, there is another request about that...
Aishwarya, I can’t replicate the issue anymore. Thanks for checking! I consider this 'self-healed' and close the report.
Cyrus Sohrab Khan commented
I have the same issue. Could you fix this?