Won't stop erasing even when a different tool is selected

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – https://helpx.adobe.com/support.html . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Aron Fischer commented
Open Illustrator, Go to:
Edit > Preferences > Devices
Uncheck anything there
Restart illustrator
Hope this helps
Eric commented
Can't select or do anything else. I can click each tool but it only erases.
Zara Garza commented
Version 25.0
I've continuously had to restart the application on my desktop because the program will not recognize when I am trying to change tools. Currently I was working on a project where I needed to use the eraser tool. After finishing what I needed, I hit the "V" key on my keyboard to bring back the main selection tool, but the tool remained an eraser. I tried clicking on all of the other tools in the side panel, but it remained an eraser. I am now doing my third restart with this program today...is there any fix out there for this?
David Gerhard commented
I am having the same issue. Any guidance would be great! I have the most updated Adobe Illustrator version and am running it on a PC.
CptLiryo commented
Version: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1
Opened a new project. I only just manage to open my rulers and set up some guides before the line tool refuses to work. Has the icon denoting that it will not work on that layer next to the cursor. Try a different tool and it's the same thing. Try opening a new layer, and it's still the same. So I open a project I was working on yesterday. I'm on the direct selection tool here, but instead of the pointer, I have a circle for a cursor. Curious, I drag it across work. It's in the eraser tool, and I just erased a large section of my work. I double check and I'm definitely seeing that I selected the direct selection tool. I undo the erasure and make sure it's saved the way I had it intended. Try different tool, this time the pen tool. Cursor is still a circle. Click again on top of my art, and it's still in eraser mode. Undid it and saved again.
I try opening a different old project and it's still having these issues: all tools on this project also show up as an erase. The fill bucket is an eraser.
I try opening yet another new file, and it's having the other set of issues: I can show the rulers and create guides, but the tools refuse to work on any level.
I've tried closing out of Illustrator to restart it, restarting my computer completely, and uninstalling and reinstalling Illlustrator. All these issues persist.
CptLiryo commented
Version: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.1
Opened a new project. I only just manage to open my rulers and set up some guides before the line tool refuses to work. Has the icon denoting that it will not work on that layer next to the cursor. Try a different tool and it's the same thing. Try opening a new layer, and it's still the same. So I open a project I was working on yesterday. I'm on the direct selection tool here, but instead of the pointer, I have a circle for a cursor. Curious, I drag it across work. It's in the eraser tool, and I just erased a large section of my work. I double check and I'm definitely seeing that I selected the direct selection tool. I undo the erasure and make sure it's saved the way I had it intended. Try different tool, this time the pen tool. Cursor is still a circle. Click again on top of my art, and it's still in eraser mode. Undid it and saved again.
I try opening a different old project and it's still having these issues: all tools on this project also show up as an erase. The fill bucket is an eraser.
I try opening yet another new file, and it's having the other set of issues: I can show the rulers and create guides, but the tools refuse to work on any level.
I've tried closing out of Illustrator to restart it, restarting my computer completely, and uninstalling and reinstalling Illlustrator. All these issues persist.