Brush Pressure exceeds set size/variation
When drawing with the brush in CC 2018, the brush size of the stroke can exceed the set size and variation. For instance, If I have a brush size of 3 and variation 3, when drawing pressing very hard, the stroke size will go above 3 pts. in CC 2017 the brush stroke was limited to brush size.

Hi, all.
As per the investigation done by the engineering team, the issue is not a bug, but an expected scenario.
Variation means that it should go both above and below the set size.
So a 3pt stroke with 3pt variation will draw from 0 to 6 pt. Kindly reach out to us incase you have any queries.
Regards, Aishwarya G Gadodia
Illustrator Team
Tim Iland commented
we need this fixed, it's a big issue for my work now that I'm using a surface
Filip commented
This is absolutely a bug and not an expected scenario. It works flawlessly on all other devices and only happens on the Surface Pro 7. Please view my previous comments for more details, I event sent a video to your team to help you fix the buggy issue.....
Mark Nicoll commented
Aishwarya, it may be an "expected scenario" to developers who understand the local implimentation logic, but when it's not expected by your users there could be a UX issue worth unpacking.
From what people are saying, it seems like they (and I) are expecting brush pressure controls and behaviour that are roughly consistent with Photoshop.
In Photoshop:
- brush size, as previewed with the cursor, is its maxiumum (100%) value
- by default pressure affects size all the way down to 0%
- a 'Minimum Diameter' can be specified as a percentage of the current brush size.This is a far more intuitive, usable implimentation than our current "expected scenario" in Illustrator.
Filip commented
This is a bug that's been present for years with all Surface users and there is still no fix for it. I can't get tapered ends on my lines using Adobe Illustrator no matter what I do. (See attached file for more details). The line outside of the box is an example of what I should be getting, the lines inside the box are what I am getting. This issue happens with 100% of Adobe Illustrator that are on the Surface Pro. This has been a problem for years and it has been ignored even after multiple reports throughout the years so I posted on the Surface subreddit and all of the people who tested it have the same issue. I know that this is not how it's supposed to work and it's only a problem with Adobe Illustrator (Tested: Clip Paint Studio, Photoshop, Affinity Designer and all work perfect). I bought my Surface specifically to be able to use Adobe Illustrator on the go, as I suppose many other artists did as well. Multiple users that use Adobe Illustrator have reported this issue and there still hasn't been a fix since 2017 and it's like this for all Surface devices. Sucks for the Surface users and artists that use Illustrator as their main software.
Filip commented
This is awful. 2020 and still no fix, I bought a Surface 7 pro to be able to use Illustrator on the go but it's unusable like this!
ktotheb commented
any update?
ktotheb commented
Windows 10, fall creators update, stable build
Amitesh Srivastava commented
Sorry for troubling you again, but OS and version, would also help.
ktotheb commented
Here's a video: create new document.
draw a line with line tool at 5pts.
then draw with brush at 5pts fixed.
then change brush to pressure 5 pt variation.
then draw and you can it is thicker than 5 pt line.
also, brush strokes don't show pressure in real time, only after finished.
only when i click on another tool, and then back on brush, does it reflect brush pressure in real time. -
Amitesh Srivastava commented
Hi Ktoheb, can you please share a video for it, Thanks.
ktotheb commented
When drawing with the brush in CC 2018, the brush size of the stroke can exceed the set size and variation. For instance, If I have a brush size of 3 and variation 3, when drawing pressing very hard, the stroke size will go above 3 pts. in CC 2017 the brush stroke was limited to brush size.