Laggy Performance with Rulers turned on
Enabling rulers degrades AI performance, especially with regards to Smart Guides and object mouseover highlighting.
The effect is the same whether GPU preview or CPU preview is used.
Attached is a sample file with a few hundred rectangles.
With Rulers off, mousing over the objects results in immediate highlighting of every object, and immediate Smart Guide anchor/path annotations.
With Rulers on, mousing over results in missing highlights - AI can't keep up and only displays highlights and annotations intermittently.

Ariel Crossan commented
This issue is still present for our team using Illustrator 25.2.1 on macOS Monterey 12.2.1. Specifically, we are running into lag when trying to use the blob brush with the rulers turned on. Turning the rulers off returns the brush speed to normal.
Roland Fraunberger commented
that's correct. the version before everything worked out well. hope they will find a quick fix. we are currently designing a complete iconset with hundreds of artboards and there is a strong need for the grid function to build them pixel perfect. We also tried with page rulers, but that's not the best solution if you want to work with sub-pixels.
Dominic commented
I've started to experience this only from the latest update with the grid turned on. Performance is normal with it off.
Roland Fraunberger commented
omg this voting stuff is so ridiculus. this entry is from nov 2017. seriously and no fix up to now!?
Roland Fraunberger commented
same issue here! slow as **** :/ even selection of curves etc isn't possible
Jimmy commented
The original post appears to be correct. I am trying to use Version 23.0.3 with GPU Performance Enabled and turning off rulers does appear to boost performance/response time in Illustrator. Currently I am bouncing between 23.0.3 and the latest 2018 version of Illustrator to deal with ongoing performance issues of software.
Kevin A. commented
I've been experiencing this same problem since the initial Ai2015 release. Seems to continue on in the latest builds for me as well.