AI CC2018 doesn't show certain font styles, while CC2017 does
I have ITC FrizQuadrata installed. This font family has 4 styles: normal, italic, bold and bold italic.
AI CC2017 does show all four.
CC2018 shows only one — 'ITC'.
It doesn't show it when you type family name, it doesn't show other styles in drop-down style list.
If I copy/paste text with needed font family style from 2017 to 2018, AI will show me two identical font names but two different preview near them (and again no italics).

Please get in touch with us at
Please create a sample file in CC 2017 with styles that you do not see in CC 2018. Create a package out of it so that we also get the font files for investigation and share the package with us. For sharing the package you can either upload to your creative cloud files or any other file sharing system like Dropbox, Wetransfer etc..
Warm Regards,
Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator