Custom Views, unlocking layers
"Custom Views unlocking layers"
Hi, I found something that I believe that wasn't supposed to work that way. I made a "Process" describing what's happening, but my point here is that I didn't expect the Views Feature to unlock layers, I thought it was only supposed to change the Zoom and view location.
1- Create a New view with everything unlocked
2- Lock some Layers.
3- Activate your view.
Result: Everything gets unlocked

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Yep, views in Ai work like this and don’t allow to choose which aspect we can include or exclude...
There is a related entry about views:
Add option when creating New View to opt out from changing zoom level I say in the comments, for now we can workaround this with AG Layer Comps plugin — it doesn’t care about lock states, but cares about other aspects.
Vasily Hall commented
The views feature acts on layer visibility and locking, apparently. Using a custom view, you can set your layer visibility and lock states. I think that's how it works, although it is a really old feature, so perhaps it could be made to be more like the Ps compositions feature.