Adding Bleed to Previously Saved Files
I use Adobe CC. I've been trying to add bleed to a previously saved file without bleed. When I open the file then go to >document setup< I am able to add a 1" bleed, but the red bleed line doesn't appear around my artboards once I click ok. Then when I go back into >document setup< it shows that the bleed has been saved, but it is still not visible in the art files.

As stated in the comments, to view bleeds you have to make sure you have View > Guides > Show guides option enabled.
Please comment back if the solution doesn’t work for you.
CC Kua commented
Justin Penner's solution works for me yay! Thank you!
View > Guides > Show guides -
Anonymous commented
I keep getting 20mm bleeds around my documents. I began with making doc's with 3mm bleed all around. Once saved and reopened (more often than not) it now has 20mm bleed all around.
This happens both when saving locally or to a network. I've switched off the "Optimise file open and save time on slow networks", but that doesn't do the trick.
Dave commented
The new version I just updated to will not save the file with a bleed unless you dupe the file with a different that's progress....WTF????? I can open a file that was saved with bleed...make a change re-save it and WALA....the bleed does not if it never did....WTF???
Ernest Simpson commented
I am a current CC user and I have the exact same issue— adding bleed via Document Setup results in no visible guides. The red guides ONLY show on files that had the bleed added when the document was created. Super frustrating!
Justin Penner commented
Adding a bleed to an existing document has always worked for me. Perhaps you have guides hidden?
View > Guides > Show Guides
Jeff D commented
Same. Maybe we'll get a fix by March of 2020.