Artboard Tool button crashes Illustrator
I'm trying to put this in the "Illustrator Bugs" category, but the button I have to click says "Post idea". Apologies if this is in the wrong area.
Every time I click the artboard button Illustrator crashes.
I'm using a 2017 iMac
Illustrator version 22.0.1
I've been having the same problem since the last time I updated Illustrator (several months). Doing research in the trouble shooting forum leads me to believe this has been a problem since October 2017.
No one had posted a solution in the forum.
I spent a while on Adobe's website searching for the appropriate phone number to call, then over an hour on the phone with a very nice tech support person. He was able to fix this problem by deleting the application settings. The whole day I was able to add artboards without the application crashing.
However, the very next day the problem came back. Also, all of the settings I had to manually restore were gone again. So I'm stuck with the problem AND my settings were erased.
I suppose deleting my personal settings again might make it work, but I really don't have time to screw around restoring my settings every day.
This has been a known issue (according to the forums) since October 2017!
5 months!
What legitimate software company lets a major issue like this go unsolved for 5 months?
I'm very unimpressed.

Please accept my sincere apology for the inconvenience. Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.
Thanks & Regards,
Raghuveer Singh
Anonymous commented
I just lost a bunch of work to this bug as well. Absurd that I keep using Adobe products.
Anonymous commented
I'm trying to put this in the "Illustrator Bugs" category, but the button I have to click says "Post idea". Apologies if this is in the wrong area.
Every time I click the artboard button Illustrator crashes.
I'm using a 2017 iMac
Illustrator version 22.0.1I've been having the same problem since the last time I updated Illustrator (several months). Doing research in the trouble shooting forum leads me to believe this has been a problem since October 2017.
No one had posted a solution in the forum.
I spent a while on Adobe's website searching for the appropriate phone number to call, then over an hour on the phone with a very nice tech support person. He was able to fix this problem by deleting the application settings. The whole day I was able to add artboards without the application crashing.
However, the very next day the problem came back. Also, all of the settings I had to manually restore were gone again. So I'm stuck with the problem AND my settings were erased.I suppose deleting my personal settings again might make it work, but I really don't have time to ***** around restoring my settings every day.
This has been a known issue (according to the forums) since October 2017!
5 months!
What legitimate software company lets a major issue like this go unsolved for 5 months?
I'm very unimpressed.