Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and Roland Cutstudio Plug-In Issue
Hi all,
I'm having great difficulties with Adobe Illustrator CC 2017 and using the Roland Cutstudio Plug-In on both Windows 7 64-bit and Mac OS Sierra 10.13.2.
I have tried to install it both with the Adobe Creative Cloud HTML and also with Anistasy's Extension Manager. While the extension does appear, when I click on Print to Output I receive this message:
Cutstudio is not found. If cutstudio is not installed, please install it. If cutstudio has never run, please run it. Then restart Adobe Illustrator.
This error message only appears on the Windows 7 PC, I can confirm drivers are working as I was able to initiate a test print page.
On the Mac, a similar thing happens but NO error message appears. I can't see the cutter in the printer list and I'm unable to locate a driver for the cutter.
The cutter is a Roland CAMM1-Pro GX-500.
I have tried reinstalling the plug-in via Adobe Cloud only and it still fails.
I can confirm that in CS6 and CC 2015, there is no problem with the plug-in but we must use 2017 moving forward.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Please contact Cutstudio support and check for compatibility with Illustrator version. Additionally, CC 2017 was not supported on 10.13 and we have fixed lot of compatibility issues with CC 2018
Anonymous commented
Just confirming that Illustrator CC 2015.3 also has the same issue, only CS6 appears to work with the plug-in.
I should also note we have since changed our network.
CS6 Roland CutStudio plug-in works on the old network we are going to decommission.Is there anything that needs to bypass the firewall?