Preferences NOT saving
Not an idea - It's a BUG -
I change my Preference > Units > General to Inches.
Once I quite and reopen they are Points again.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 26.0.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Kirsten Hellmer commented
I can't see where you responded to me but EVERY time I restart illustrator, I lose all preferences except hot keys (thank god). I lose unchecking the real time drawing (because that's annoying), I lose units, I lose like most of what I set up. It's awful.
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: Illustrator 2024 resets most Preferences on restart -
Kirsten Hellmer commented
This issue is back. I have this problem with the 2023 version. How hard is it to fix this? It's SUPER annoying to have to change all of my preferences on a program I use daily.
Karin Herzmann commented
Bei mir ist dieser Bug auch wieder da.
Max commented
Seems like the bug is back again! I have the same issue with the last 2 versions of Illustrator (currently 26). Very annoying
Gio commented
I have been experiencing similar in 25.2.1 and notice my color setting revert to the default (Emulate Adobe Illustrator 6.0) every time I relaunch Illustrator. Tried deleting my Preference file and resetting preferences but no luck.
More annoying is how I have noticed this. Illustrator randomly crashes after I have saved and closed the document or I have left Illustrator idle for a period of time.
cade commented
AI 2020 unit preferences STILL don't save / hold / keep active
Mac Mojave & Catalina iMacs 27 inNEVER will open an mm or cm document in inches. won't create/hold artboards in inches either!!!!!
Anonymous commented
I am experiencing the exact problem using Illustrator 24.0. It is very annoying to need to reset the increment on every new file
Simon Bowland commented
I have exactly the same problem!