Outline Stroke not working
I select an object, then navigate to Object > Path > Outline Stroke and nothing happens. GRRRR.

Next time you encounter this, please put the piece of art in a separate file and share it with the team for investigation — so far nobody did that.
You can share the file directly in comments or send it over sharewithai@adobe.com if you want to keep it private — in this case please provide this issue’s link, https://illustrator.uservoice.com/forums/601447/suggestions/35854246
mike long commented
I used Pathfinder, to make a compound shape first then for some reason it allowed me to outline the stroke. So many Adobe updates and the software just seems to get worse...sad
Leia G commented
I found a workaround!
I recorded an action of going Edit > Path > Outline Stroke, and assigned that to my usual hotkey (F4 in my case).
Jonny commented
The solution I found was to use the shape builder tool and click inside each shape that is stroked. Idk how it solved it, but when I went to outline stroke after, it worked.
Henry Lee (2025) commented
i had this too and i fixed it by expanding appearance first
Matthew Sheahan commented
Can't get shortcuts to outline stroke. Tried everything, changing the shortcut, resetting illustrator preferences, reinstalling, restarting the program, my computer.
It works randomly. No I'm not highlighting individual characters on a line of text. Really frustrating. Seems like a problem that should have an answer by now?
Alexander Laxgang commented
Same here, really annoying
Anonymous commented
the only thing i have found to work, is to restart my computer... Really annoying bug... I am trying to make an existing vector graphic thinner by adding and deleting a vector stroke. Unfortunately, expanding appearance doesn't work.
Anonymous commented
Object > Flatten Transparancy & Pathfinder > Unite
Thanks a lot this worked with lots of love
[Deleted User] commented
Object > Flatten Transparancy & Pathfinder > Unite
Anonymous commented
I applied "expand appearance" and then I could outline the stroke.
Dru commented
Same here I cant outline the path of a compound path
JPN5 commented
On windows - Right-click on the shape / text ---> Create Outlines. Only way I could get it to work for me.
Krypton commented
hi guys its me krypton
i figure out why the outline object not effect the text.
go to Edit > preference > use preview bounds ( mark it )
then the outline object will work on the text to have perfect alignment without text box around.
wish you the best
Loz commented
Joe Afflerbach's comment sorted it for me:
"I have had this issue for a while. Trying to outline stroke using Effect/Path/Outline Stroke does NOT work.
However, Object/Path/Outline Stroke does work:-)"Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Same here. I'm using Ai 2020, trying to outline text some words but it just disappear right after. Only happens on certain fonts tho. Anyone knows why this is happening and how to fix it?
Anonymous commented
Using Ai 2020
Don't know if this Thread is still alive.
Are there any other settings or obvious reasons why Outline Stroke might not work?
My thing is a snowflake. Tried stroking as a united compound shape:
"Select the objects, click unite in the pathfinding tools > make compound shape then apply stroke > outline stroke."
Tried breaking it all the objects down and putting them into one layer too... still didn't work. Please help. -
Anonymous commented
I figured it out, do not highlight text when outlining it
Anonymous commented
Can't outline stroke ???????????
Matthew McArdle commented
Figured out the outline stroke issue. Must be ungrouped and then all compound paths that correspond with the artwork's stroke you want to outline must be released before performing this action.
cade commented
object path outline not working for me
choosing the stroke panel, align stroke to outside nor align stroke inside are not working / won't allow them to be chosen/clicked.
illustrator 2019 20.3 , mac os x
really really problematic.