Paragraph style tab numeric measure is wrong
Windows 10
Both v22.1 and 23.0.1 show the wrong numeric 'X' measure when setting or adjusting a tab stop in a paragraph style. The measure shown is inflated both according to the ruler below the tab stop, and tabs set using the tab window. The numeric measure is inflated by an increasing amount the further the tab is from the left margin, and remains inflated whether units are set to mm or inches.
eg. 20mm tab stop shows as 29.8mm in the paragraph style dialog
Zoom 100% (general after repeat).png 65 KB -
Zoom 100% (repeat).png 38 KB -
Zoom 100% (write 10 mm).png 37 KB -
Zoom 66.67% (repeat).png 38 KB -
Zoom 66.67% (write 10 mm).png 37 KB -
Zoom 200% (general).png 54 KB -
Zoom 200% (points).png 44 KB -
Zoom 200%.png 43 KB -
Zoom 150%.png 42 KB -
Zoom 100%.png 41 KB -
Zoom 66.67%.png 42 KB -
paragraph style tab stop.jpg 54 KB

The issue is no longer a problem in the latest versions of Illustrator.
Qien Qien commented
Thanks for this. I was getting really frustrated figuring out how the tabs keep going wrong. It's the same case for me after trying it again according to this, only works at 66.67% too.
Jesper Karlqvist commented
It is finally fixed!!!
Jesper Karlqvist commented
Applies to all versions since (at least) the first Illustrator CC, still at v 24.0)
Windows 7/Windows 10When using paragraph styles, the tab stops show numbers that are incorrect. Well, that is unless you have your document zoomed to the correct level. This might depend on your resolution and Windows zoom factor.
The numbers are incorrect no matter what measurement unit you're using. They are always shown as a multiple of the inverse of the zoom level.
In my case, zooming the document to 66.67% shows the correct numbers. I have included screen shots from when I have the zoom levels at 66.67%, 100%, 150% and 200%. There is one that shows the error using points instead of millimeters. The tab stops are displayed correctly in the general tab (or whatever it's called in English)
The error also applies when repeating tabs. Here, I have included screen shots for when I tried to repeat tabs every 10 millimeters at zoom level 66.67% and then at zoom level 100%. You can see that the errors repeat, but every 6.667 millimeters instead of every 10 millimeters in the last general tab.
This should be an easy resolve. And it has been like this for at least 6 years. Probably even longer.
Jesper Karlqvist commented
It has been wrong since forever.
However, if you zoom the document to the correct size (this might differ depending on your screen resolution) it will be correct. When I zoom to 66.67% all values are correct. Previously, on an older screen, it was only correct at 100%. The "repeat" function also goes bananas because of this bug.
Ven commented
This has been completely broken for at least a decade's worth of Illustrator versions. You cannot even change a tab setting for a single instance of styled text and then redefine the style. WHY isn't this fixed?