Gradient issues: annotator jumps and changes direction on object hover
2 problems in CC2020 on Mac OSX 10.15.1:
1. Gradient annotator doesn't show on expanded shapes
2. gradients inconsistently applying -- see attachment

Apologies for the inconvenience caused to you due to this issue.
We are unable to reproduce this issue in house.
Can you help the Illustrator team to isolate this issue further so that we can nail this down?
If yes, then please let me know the following:
1)Kindly provide some video , Test file(Via File→Package) & some steps with which you are facing issue and share with us .
2) Is this file specific or happens with any object in a newly created file also?
3) Kindly share your preferences folder with us in a zip File
MAC: /Users//Library/Preferences/Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings//
Win: C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Illustrator 24 Settings
Kindly share the requested information at in a Zip file.
Please mention the title of this issue as the subject of the mail.
Thanks and Regards
Ankit Goyal
Illustrator Team
I wonder if the problem shown in the second part of the video in the comment below is till happening? Never seen the direction of the gradient flipped when hovered with Smart Guides enabled!
As for the first half of the video — this is actually normal for Illustrator. After dragging over an object with the Gradient tool, the gradient annotator get automatically repositioned so it goes through the center of the object. The appearance stays the same, only the annotator shifts. I suppose Ai makes it so that the controls are always within the bounds of objects, to minimize confusion when several objects with different gradients are selected altogether.
Affinity Designer does it differently, as well as Corel Draw — the annotator sticks exactly when it was drawn (also AD shows only one annotator at a time when several objects are selected).
Would you mind me splitting this into two entries: one bug report and one feature request?
Mateusz commented
Here is the video you guys asked for. I also sent you an email with this