Scale Tool dialog shows random values when real-time drawings is enabled
To recreate is problem: First enable Real-time drawing. Then draw a box. With the Scale Tool window open, uniform scale the box 400%. Duplicate that box by holding down OPTION key while click and dragging the box. Click on the second box and open the Scale Tool window: when I do this I no longer see 400% in the scale percentage, instead I find completely random numbers and sometimes it selects non-uniform. This gets annoying after a while.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Does anyone still has this problem?
Anonymous commented
Sorry about the false Christmas present, I must have just had a lucky run. I'm back to -3.3804057273% instead of 90%....
Anonymous commented
Seems to be fixed...
Anonymous commented
Sort it out please, been going on for a while and as stated below "often tells me I can't apply the transform as the object would fall off the artboard" just to compound the irritation.
Anonymous commented
Cn also confirm. This is still happening in the latest illustrator release.
Anonymous commented
Count me in! Any object when using scale tool - seems to remember a previous transform (move, rotate etc) and applies that as well as adding in random scale percentages, often non-uniform. Quite often tells me I can't apply the transform as the object would fall off the artboard.
Incredibly frustrating! -
Anonymous commented
Hi, I have the same problem, the scale options does not remember previously used percentage and instead suggests crazy non-uniform scale. it is truly annoying mainly when you need to scale complex artworks ...(
Kristen commented
When the scale tool is opened, it comes up with an enormous negative number, followed by an error message saying can't complete request because objects will fall off the work area. Eventually, after pressing the cancel command numerous times and an undo, it resets and I can choose a percentage. Then, the next time, at won't remember the percentage and I go through the whole process again.
Anonymous commented
Agreed, this is a frustrating issue I hope it gets fixed soon!
Hannah commented
Can also confirm. This is driving me absolutely insane.
Anonymous commented
If there's a fix I'd love to hear.
Anonymous commented
Illustrator 24.2.1 scale tool does not remember the previously used scale setting as it used to do in previous iterations of Illustrator. When you Option click with the scale tool, the dialogue box now shows a random scale amount, sometimes a negative number, sometimes even too large for the tool to be used.
Can confirm.
Count me as a hundred.