Font Preview Size
In Illustrator 24.2.3,
We are not able to change the Font Preview Size in the preference Dialogue in/under the Type Tab, and you also do not have the same feature in the Type Menu, which is the right place to set the Font Previews size default,
we are also not able to see the Font names in the written text as a preview in the Font/Character Menu.

Mohammed Amjed Khan Abro commented
I mean, like Illustrator's recent versions 2018 or 2019 maybe, I saw the text which I wrote, means if you click on the artboard with Type Tool selected, there you have "Lorem ipsum" default text, and now you go up to the control to open the characters/fonts or you go from character panel to see the fonts you have installed in your machine, there you should see the fonts with their names with the preview of select text which is "Lorem ipsum".
now this feature is not available in Ai CC 2020 24.2.3, which is annoying.You can not change the preview and size of preview in the Character Panel, in the Type Menu, and in the Control Bar, either you are not able to modify these options in the Preferences in/under the type.
These features "Fonts Preview should be shown the preview/behavior in their own style in the list for selected text" by showing the name of the font.
to see the example, open the Photoshop CC 2020's Font list,
there you have all these features, you can change the Font Preview size in the type menu, and Huge is my favourite I love these type features of Photoshop, Font list with sample and Preview size. -
Font Preview Size can be changed directly in Font Family drop-down menu in Character panel, but not in the Preferences, that is true. I agree that Since that this could haven doubled in Prefs... but this is more a panel thing, than a global one.
As for the missing previews — I agree, this is not how it should work, but I can also add that this is very convenient to me: I have one panel that does show previews, and the other one which does not, and I use it when I don’t need previews. So maybe this option should be not a global, but local.