Can't finish previewing. Could not complete the requested operation.
I applied a pattern to a stroke by accident and received this error. I'm using v25.0.1 on a PC with 16 gb RAM and a dedicated graphics card.
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Anonymous commented
i think it is time for a class action lawsuit over this
Anonymous commented
I updated and it did not fix the issue. Suddenly can't open most of my illustrator files. Stuck doing nothing at work
victor okonkwo commented
I'm switching back to Corel adobe is really disappointing me y'all are really not serious with maintenance you just keep bringing new versions without proper maintenance I haven't been able to deliver for 2 days now.....
Dylan Valentine commented
Adobe Illustrator 2019 is the worst update I've ever seen in my life. How much money is everyone paying you for this garbage?
Anonymous commented
This issue HAS NOT been fixed. I have updated to the most recent version and still having this problem.
It is absolutely absurd that this persists. It has stalled my progress on projects and has impeded my progress on projects with upcoming deadlines.
M. Hart commented
The problem has NOT been fixed. I've had to revert to CC 2018. We pay too much money to have these problems! FIX IT!
Lieve commented
I have the latest version CC installed this month. Worked hours today on an illustration, now lost my files after a crash like the one other users mentioned earlier. Very frustrating !
Erick commented
Tengo el mismo error, tuve que desinstalarlo y colocar la versión 2018. Van muchos días con este problema.
Anonymous commented
I am having RAM problems with the 2019 update as well. I am on the latest version and it's worse than ever.
Illustrator just keeps crashing, telling me there isn't enough RAM to display the artwork, or that ridiculous "There is not enough room for the window; increase document area and try again." thing. Manually dragging the window to make it bigger doesn't work, as if I try to open another file it shrinks again, and shows the same message.
A couple of times it wouldn't even restart after a crash, or it would restart just to crash immediately again.
This is totally unacceptable considering how much the software is worth. -
Anonymous commented
Back to my trusted Corel.
Had to switch to Illustrator cause other team-members work on it, bought a subscription to CC but I am done. I need to work and deliver.
It's a joke, 2 days now not to be able to have 2 files open as the software shuts down. -
Anonymous commented
CC 2019 that i installed 2 days ago have the same issue. Just renew my subscription but I have no product to work with.
Pretty irresponsible attitude for a company that is releasing products professionals use to deliver payed projects. -
Linda commented
This issue has not been resolved. Some days, Illustrator is working fine. And some days, it keeps crashing because of not enough memory. Unfortunately happening today. Please get this resolved! Work needs to be finished!
Bryce Warren commented
At random times for reasons unknown, I have having these same issues. "Cannot finish previewing" then everything goes to outline mode and I can't get it to reverse. I have to force quit and lose all my work. I have down graded to older versions, they all do the same thing. I am also on the newest Macbook Pro and it can handle the workload. This is VERY frustrating...I would expect this issue from a free piece of software but we all know Adobe isn't free at all...this HAS to get fixed.
So Young commented
Hey guys, I was struggling with the same issue with my artwork showing only the outlines. But I fixed it after clicking the View tap and then clicking on the View Preview tab. I hope it helps!!
Anonymous commented
I've been this problem for an hour. Opened Creative Cloud destop app, clicked "Open" in the App list. Not crashing now or switching to preview mode. I did lose all my work...but I'm up and running again.
Jordan commented
I have the same problem - im working on a brand new Macbook Pro - this is the only file currently on this laptop so memory isn't an issue. I am also working with a Radeon Pro 560x Graphics card yet the problem still occurs.
Lazash commented
I was thinking about difference between my workstation in my work and at home. Only difference is that i am on cable connection at work and Im using Wifi at home. I disabled Wifi and Illustrator opened in normal way. I opened project and did some stuff and it havent crashed. I even reenabled Wifi.
It works fine now.
But if I reopen it with enabled Wifi it will crash again...
In other words - disable wifi for opening Illustrator, then you can enable it and work just like every other day. Stupid solution but it works :)
It still needs an update tho, it cant be like that all the time. -
Jim commented
Cuurently running Adobe Illustrator v.23.01: crashed during lengthy operation on 35MB-size file; will not reopen (crashes after splash screen); restart doesn't correct problem; unable to use app at all.
Anonymous commented
Stable program now beginning to crash immediately on open. This issue is also affecting ID files with any linking .ai files.
Roxanne commented
Also experiencing this issue just now, tried every "fix"or solution previously mentioned and suggested. We await your solution, Adobe!