Round corner not showing, object select not showing multi-select
round corner only shows with regular select tool but not direct select tool
when using direct select tool, would not outline selected object
round corner mod would only show up for default shapes, if anything is divided or combined the round corner stops showing.
Why do we need to vote for bugs to be fixed?
shouldn't all bugs be fixed?? i mean it's not a new feature we are requesting.

This happens when edges get hidden.
Enable them back with View > Show Edge (or Cmd/Ctrl + H).
Also, you can edit your corner values precisely with Corners field in Control and Properties panel. The Shape section in Transform panel allows you to do the same for live shapes.
Orlis Acosta commented
your artwork might be too small, increase the size and see if that works
Nandini Pradhan commented
go to view- Show corner widget. This solves the problem
Steve commented
Show Edge doesn't fix the problem
Aniket Sengar commented
Thank you! 'Show Edges' fixed the issue for me.
Lord Peter Blake commented
I found a way to fix the issue.
Go to menu View -> Show Edge (Ctrl + H). It will make these line and point comeback again - then we can use direct selection tool to round up the edges.
Hope it's help. A youtuber clip help me find this issue. -
Cynthia Mergel commented
I'm topping up there.
I'm mean why not moving the Rounded Corners tool from the Direct Selection Tool (A) to the Selection Tool (V).
The problem is that the Rounded Corners tool box to enter precise px values doesn't show up. No possibily of entering precise values (except using the Transform window).
And if we switch to the Direct Selection Tool (A) right after, the Rounded info box shows up but when you enter a value it doesn't take into account the corners you've pre-selected. It changes the value of all.