Black png
my png transparent images are showing up as total black images after export . They show fine for a few seconds and in the viewer window but the png it self is totally black. Works sometimes and others not I would say 2 out of 25 show up black.

The case was solved by reinstalling the app.
If the same thing happens to you — please share details below in comments.
Anonymous commented
LOL, I don't care as long as it works ;)
Wow., an unexpected result. I wonder what is did solve though... and how...
Anonymous commented
Actually what I had to do was uninstall AI and reinstall and then it worked fine.
Mate, what can I say.
I suppose you use Windows 10, right? This file you shared is shown as black on white thumbnail in Explorer for me. It’s black on white if I use Photos to view it, it’s black on checkerboard if I use Photoshop, it’s black on gray if I use XnView.
We have no idea what you lady uses to view this file, and it’s no guarantee that the app she choses won’t have a black background as default, or even able to render alpha channel.
And sure Illustrator team can’t predict that.
Sadly, the fact it get displayed black for you is something related to your OS and definitely not Illustrator. Try to clear your thumbnail cache, it might help. -
Anonymous commented
I may have worded my problem wrong. The issue is with the icon showing up black. thanks
Anonymous commented
I agree that the transparency worked my issue is that I sell the image to people and the fact that the icon shows as black is not a good thing. I did have a lady say she couldn't see the image when trying to post to a document file. I opened in acrobat dc without a problem and Google docs. These files will be used for many proposes I really can't have poor quality of service by having the icon (Image that you see as black) show up as black even if the transparency works. The viewer I'm using is just the is just the file viewer but I have had it misbehave in drop box also.
The example immage-01.png attached is just fine and has transparency in it.
Try to open it in Photoshop to be sure.
What viewer do you use?