Issues saving CMYK vector as PNG
I am trying to save my vector as a PNG file, something simple, and it looks good on the Artboard, but for some reason after saving it, it changes some colors, like some sort of blending mode effect and I tried everything, still not working. The RGB vector is being saved just fine, is the CMYK version that I am having issues with.

Lance commented
The PNG file format does not support the CMYK process color model. I'd be very surprised if both your saved/exported PNG's weren't RGB images. If you need a CMYK file, you're better off using PDF or TIFF.
As for the colors changing, that depends on how the parent file (illustrator file) is setup. Are you working in RGB or CMYK? Some transparency effects and blend modes don't translate well to CMYK. Unexpected results are common when converting from one colorspace to another, especially when transparency and blend modes are present.
I think I see the problem areas in your example; the pinkish areas in the bottom of the image? Have you checked those vector objects for unintentional blend modes or overprints?
Carolina, RGB and CMYK have difference color gamuts, so they should be looking different, no wonder.
Can you provide the vector file itself? It's hard to judge what is the problem by one image only (it looks fine to me, because I have no idea what were the original colors).
Also, what method of exporting the raster image are you using? (there are several of these in Ai, and some use different rasterization methods)