Rotate polygon with 3 sides (triangle)
(A) If I create a polygon with only 3 sides (triangle), then it has a centre that corresponds to a circle around the triangle.
(B) If I rotate the triangle by 90° with the Rotate tool, the centre of the circumcircle is used. That is correct.
(C) If I rotate the same triangle by 90° with the menu command "Object > Transform > Rotate", then suddenly the centre of the bounding box is used as the centre of rotation. This is wrong in my eyes. Also, this new centre point remains.

Jens Ulrich Kriebeler commented
Thanks for your comments.
Lance commented
I'm not sure what you mean by 'bbox treats live shapes as shapes'. Perhaps my polygons aren't actually "live shapes"?
in this screenshot, rotating with the bounding box does exactly the same thing as the rotate tool or the edit > transform > rotate dialog.
*** edit *** nevermind, I am a dummy. I had the triangle polygone grouped with the 'dot'. Rotating only the polygon with the bounding box works as intended.
Yeah, instead of Rotate tool use Selection tool with bounding box on. Only bbox treats live shapes as shapes, all other tools know nothing about their status and treat them as paths — that is the center goes in the geometric center.
Lance commented
I get the same result both times, even using the rotate tool. I'd have to manually select the rotation point to on the circle's center in order to use the rotate tool as you depict.
The rotate tool by default selects the center of the object's bounding box as the point around which to perform the rotation, as does the edit > transform > rotate function.
I think this is working as intended.
That being said, it could be argued that the intention for the rotate tool (and by extension, the transform dialog) when a 3-sided equilateral triangle polygon* is concerned should do some math to find the actual center point equidistant from all three vertices rather than just assuming the bounding box center.
Screenshots attached.
** update **
*any polygon with an odd number of sides exhibits the same behavior.
Jens Ulrich Kriebeler commented
Edit: Adobe Illustrator 26.0.1 and 24.0.3 under macOS 10.15.7 (German)