Data Recovery is Disabled for This Document
Shortly after creating a new file, I receive the message "Data recover is disabled for this document due to an error in recovery process in last session. To enable data recovery, save this document with a different name.". I've not used any complex art and have not saved the file.

Ariel Crossan commented
My team was experiencing this same issue and found that it was due to a missing DataRecovery folder in the following location: HomeFolder/Library/Preferences
Once we manually added this directory, all new documents created did not get the "We're unable to save your file for auto-backup..." or "Data recovery is disabled for this document due to an error in recovery process in last session..." error messages.
The "Data recovery is disabled for this document due to an error in recovery process in last session..." error message does persist in any files saved before manually building the DataRecovery directory. Deleting and resaving them removes this error message.
When tested on a fresh installation of Illustrator, the DataRecovery directory was present after the Illustrator install but was being removed during the installation of some of our custom preferences. Adding the directory back to our custom preferences fixed the issue.
macOS Monterey 12.2.1
Adobe Illustrator 26.1 -
Addie, but the workspace is listed, right? You just can’t switch to it?
What about other workspaces? -
Addie Steinbacher-Laponsky commented
Same problem in Illustrator. Now I've started having an issue where my tools disappear and I'm unable to toggle the window preference to Essentials Classic - it's just stuck on essentials. I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 6
Simon Buckmaster commented
Same problem with every document.
Illustrator 26.1
macOS 12.2.1
Apple M1