Dialog windows move / float to the left
Bug Report: Floating windows drift offscreen (see attached video).
Adobe Illustrator 26.4
I tried reverting to older versions of Adobe Illustrator, but the issue exists for them as well; To me, that suggests the problem is related to the beta macOS. I am raising this bug now because the issue could present itself as users upgrade to macOS Ventura this fall.
System Info:
I am running MacOS, Ventura, Version 13.0 Beta (22A5311f) on iMac M1 (2021) with 8MB RAM.

This issues is fixed in macOS 13 Beta 5
Maggie commented
I am using Mac studio with Monterey and same thing happens. Every time I open an AI file all panels are half or entirely off-screen to left. I move and group them on right where I like them but they move themselves back to left on reopening. also, save pane is always mostly off the (large) screen.
Tiago Ribeiro commented
For me, version 27.1.1 already fixed this bug.
Leslie commented
I've been having the same issue and I'm on PC, not a Mac. Very annoying!
Connie Jacobs commented
I'm also having the same problem. Each time I do a "save as" or "save a copy" in a file the options window moves further to the left.
OS Big Sur, Illustrator 27.0.
Dave Courtemanche commented
I still have the issue in Illustrator 27.0.1 on OS Monterey
Paul Farnam commented
Summary: Issue Resolved
For me, this issue was first reported resolved with the release of macOS Ventura, beta 5 (build 22A5321d), but for completeness, I wanted to share my experience after upgrading to macOS beta 7.
*Note: Apple released iOS 16 for iPhone recently, but the desktop macOS 13 is still in beta.
System Information:
macOS 13 beta 7
* Released September 9, 2022
* Build 22A5342f
* Mac computers with Apple siliconDesktop Computer:
iMac 2021, M1 with 8 GB RAMAdobe Illustrator 26.5
* Installed latest update from August 22, 2022Observed behaviour after upgrade:
Floating windows no longer move offscreen when undocked, and so,
I can verify that this issue is stilled resolved for macOS beta 7.. -
Tiago Ribeiro commented
Has anyone tested if this bug goes away with Mac OS 16.5, released yesterday (September 12th)?
meee0ng commented
저장 창이나 인쇄 창 등이 고정되지 않고 왼쪽으로 2-3mm씩 움직입니다.
다양한 파일을 저장 및 인쇄시 왼쪽 모니터 밖으로 이동하기도 합니다.
어도비 포토샵도 사용중이나 일러스트만 해당되는 문제이며,
삭제 후 재업로드, 업데이트, 일러스트 초기화 등 다양한 방법을 시도해봤으나
적용되지 않습니다. -
Chud Tsankov commented
The problem is not solved in macOS 12 Version 12.5.1. Illustrator 26.5 Check out the video I made.
Tiago Ribeiro commented
Hi Since the last update, whenever I save an .ai file, the save window
(see video) moves to the left, without me changing its position.
It usually appears central, I didn't change any settings, I just updated.
This problem happens since version 26.4.1
I already reset the preferences and reinstalled the Illustrator
Can you please help?My system:
MacBook Pro 16 i9 64gb ram AMD Radeon Pro 5500M 8 GB 2tb. Monterey 12.5.1
Illustrator 26.5.0 -
Chud Tsankov commented
Egor The window moves little by little each time you open and use the panel for "save as"
Chud, when you say 'move', do you mean it actually moves as if it’s dragged, or it just snaps to the left edge of the screen?
Does this happen for any other dialog or panel for you? -
Chud Tsankov commented
Every time you save the file, the window moves to the left by itself. This has been the case since the last 2 versions.
Paul Farnam commented
Issue Resolved
Update: I installed the latest macOS Beta (Version 13.0 Beta, 22A5321d), as well as Adobe Illustrator 26.4.1 and I am happy to say, this issue has been fixed. Thank you!
Ann Paganuzzi commented
When saving file as eps, the window that appears after clicking Save moves a little to the left each time. Eventually it is so far to the left I have to drag it to the right hand edge of the screen. The next time it will left again and so on. All other windows reappear where I have left them. It just seems to be this one that moves left each time it appears.
The team is aware of this problem and is currently investigating it.
Paul, this is extremely weird. Thanks for the heads up, I'll try to bring some attention to it.
Paul Farnam commented
On more comment: All other Adobe products installed on my computer (Photoshop, Premier, InDesign, Audition, XD) handle floating windows appropriately, without windows drifting offscreen. I've tried completely removing Illustrator, purging preference files and all application data but the issue persists across Illustrator versions. My only workaround is to not use floating windows.