Artboard names change back to what it was after renaming
Working on a document with multiple artboards. After renaming several dartboards, their naming returns back to what it was before I renamed them.
I need the artboards to have specific names for exporting to SVG. So this is really frustrating.

Jon commented
I can confirm that as of 1/2/25, Illustrator v 29.1.0 still has this bug, and it's infuriating, especially when you have files with sometimes hundreds of artboards. I do branding and visual identity, and when I'm compiling all of the various final branding assets for my clients, I put them into one Illustrator file to organize them, and then export them out in their various file formats. After spending hours custom-naming artboards so that they export out with appropriate file naming, and *knowing* that I didn't miss any artboards, it's extremely frustrating, to see files named "Artboard 199" etc. in a long list of exported files with their correct naming.
Dan Shick commented
Still an issue. Working in an industry that is critical for board names to be correct for image association outside of Illustrator. Names of boards continue to revert when double clicking on the board name and pasting. Beyond frustrating bug. Please address!
Becky Martin commented
Having issues here too - come on Adobe... this is a really frustrating time-waster when working with hundreds of artboards that need unique names for exporting - please fix this bug!
Happens when renaming, then switching between open .ai files... -
J. Patiño commented
March 2024, Version 27.6.1 and it's still an issue. Please, fix it!
Matt Frederick commented
Don't know if anyone is really reading these, the other related thread looks to have been closed yesterday.
I've had this happening all week and realized it was happening to the artboard names I had copied to paste and edit on the next artboard..I stopped copying the name and started just typing each artboards name and this behavior seems to have stopped. Definitely a bug of some sort that copying the name is occasionally causing this.
Matt Frederick commented
Happens with multiple artboard documents routinely. For certain projects I may have 100 or more artboards in a single file and they're named properly. It is a bad user experience to have to rename artboards that were just renamed. B
Anonymous commented
May 2023 - still an issue
Anonymous commented
Still happening. Video attached showing shoddy behaviour from AI
Brendan Ginsburg commented
Artboard name reverts back to previous name after renaming it
Aleksei Koren commented
It seems if you open Artboard Options and change the name there, it doesn't happen. But it definitely happens when you double click on the name of the artboard to rename it.
TED commented
It existed around the time of version 24 and has been neglected in version 25
TED commented
Renaming the artboard, the name is reverted after another operation or the change itself is canceled.
it's the ******* bug