Color Picker lets objects disappear in Outline Mode and in Exports!
When you use the Color Picker to change the color of texts, then this will lead to the problem, that every object of the same layer disappears in the Outline Mode AND much more worse: in the export.
I made a video:
- Create a new file.
- Create one ore more text objects. And some other path objects too, if you like.
- Use the Color Picker (!! not any other color tool) to change the color of a text.
- Go to the Outline Mode (ctrl+y) and see that every object seems to be invisible.
- Try to export the file (Export as..., e.g. JPG). You will see that these objects are not visible in this exported file.
The objects "come back" only after some further transformations on them.
Illustrator 27.5
Windows 10
In Illustrator 26.5 this bug does NOT appear.
And by the way: Illustrator 27.6 has a bunch of so many new bugs just after starting it. Please please please test your software yourself before you release it to the customers!
I will leave the Adobe Software for sure if this style of programming is the future.

Thanks for reporting this issue, Illustrator Team really appreciate this. We have resolved the issue now.
Kindly do “Check for Update” on Creative Cloud Desktop Update section and issue will be no longer reproducible.
Lisa W commented
27.7 is simply horrible! What's up with the eyedropper? You can select color but it doesn't apply to selected objects. Sure is slowing me down with mockups. I checked and there is no update. Please fix, likw immediately!!!