Uneven stroke widths using width tool
Using width tool, stroke comes out uneven, even though system claims it is the same on both sides of the path. This only happens on one side of the stroke, not sure if it's at the beginning or end of the stroke. This only happens when width is adjusted at the very end of the stroke; adding a node just before the end of the stroke and adjusting that way functions properly.

Please provide a test file with the path that gives these results along with full specs for OS and GPU.
Kayla, can you share a test file with this path only included, so the team can check it? A screenshot is good to have (thanks!), but without the actual file it won’t really help to evaluate the problem. Kindly share it.
Also — if you toggle the Preview mode from GPU to CPU — is there any difference? If yes, please also share your full OS and GPU specs.