Greek text now keep accents with All Caps and is not consistent with UPPERCASE result
This has to do with the new update where all files previously created using Greek language using CAPS now all have accents. Now every time we need to change the language to Greek for accents to disappear. I'm sure this will be an issue for greeks around the world.

Maria Kyriacou commented
Hello there! It seems that I am experiencing the exact same issue as the rest of the people in this chat. From the updated (Illustrator 28.5) and later all Greek Capital letters appear with accents and it's wrong. The biggest problem is by opening older artwork that consists writing with Capital lettering and it changes the whole text with accents. Also that means, that I can not update my illustrator and enjoy all the new features while this issue is a big one to deal with.
Sadly I don’t have any new information on this, Maria, sorry.
If I get any, I will add a comment. -
maria commented
Hi Egor, just wondering if we have any updates on this matter?
maria commented
one of the main issues will also be when graphic designers open files created with previous versions and suddenly there are accents everywhere or even worse when this goes unseen and mistakes happen.
I already have one client complain that there were accents on the CAPS of a file I sent which I missed because it was small writing
Noulis i'm glad to have some support here!
Noulis commented
Egor, what we try to say is when we changing from lowercase with accents to ALL CAPS, accents should disappear as they did in previous versions. Changing the language to GREEK doesn't help with our problem.
Please consult the image I firstly shared to see the problems when changing between English Us and Greek the problem persists.
It seems like the problem stops when changing to UPPERCASE -> ALL CAPS which is weird and really NOT ideal! thank you!
Confirm in the latest Beta.
Yeah, Greek capitalization is a complex topic.
Merging this to an existing report. -
Noulis commented
There is a major issue concerning the Greek language when taking regular text with accentuation (eg έ,ό,ί,ή etc) and enabling ALL CAPS.
When doing so in Greek ALL ACCENTUATION SHOULD DISAPPEAR as it would in previous versions.
This was automated and we didn't have to manually delete every letter and replacing it with ones without accentuation.
Please revert it, it's extremely time consuming.
maria commented
I hope this will be helpful
So version 28.0 everything is correct
when you open the same file in 28.6 automatically the accents are added
also when you write again the same thing happens
the 3rd option is when i change the language under TT which fixes the issueBut in previous version as you can see the language under TT is english UK and it works fine
Let me know if this helps!
Indeed, Μαΐου keeps only one dieresis if the language is set to Greek.
Picking English would transfer both accents.
I test this in the latest Beta.The situation with Russian is different, since these accents are not actually accents, but parts of actual letters, different Unicode symbols altogether, while in Μαΐου these are secretly
If a font or an app don’t / can’t handle these properly, the construct breaks, like the image shows.
But И and Й, as well as Е and Ё are not forms of each other, but monolithic characters.
Anyway, this is outside of the scope of the problem.Back to the Greek!
Maria, can you please share a simple series of steps I and others can try to reproduce this properly?
Does TT button behave differently from using Type > Change Case Uppercase?
How different builds treat it differently?
Which do you prefer and why?
Share a file the team can repeat these steps with, please. -
maria commented
Hi Egor
I can assure you this sentence is not correct: ΣΠΑΝΆΚΙ ΨΙΛΟΚΟΜΜΈΝΟ ΣΕ ΜΕΡΊΔΕΣ
This person is probably not greekIn greek the word Μαΐου takes both the dieresis and 'accent'
When capitalised only the dieresis should be capitalized - in this case adobe illustrator KNOWS and displays it correctlyLike I said this only happens in all previous versions of AI
Regarding the russian I copy pasted some words from online as I am not familiar with the language but from what I can see the breve and 2 dots appear just fine when capitalized
(see attachment)Thank you for looking into this
Reading about monotonic and polytonic system was fun though!
Maria, I took some time to study the problem.
I found this report here at UV: Accents disappear for capital Greek letters — somebody wants the accents to stay for capitals.
You, on the other hands, say Greek capital letters do not take the accents...
Well, it seems like 'far less used' — (a ton of links)
More informal discussions also exist: similar happens in Russian, with it’s 'Ё' and 'ё' — they often become just 'Е' and 'е', to save time or make letters more compact, since words using it rarely gets mixed with their homographs. However, the other pair of letters, 'Й' and 'й', never loose their breve. The 'Ё' facultative state causes many problems when happens (or not) in official documents, names especially.
However, when I try to reproduce you problem, using 'σπανάκι ψιλοκομμένο σε μερίδες' line from the adjacent report, I don’t see any difference!
No matter if I actually convert these into Capital Case using Type > Change Case > UPPERCASE, or press All Caps button in Character panel, no matter if it’s English or Greek in Character’s Language dropdown — the spinach line always gets displayed WITH diacritics for me, as ΣΠΑΝΆΚΙ ΨΙΛΟΚΟΜΜΈΝΟ ΣΕ ΜΕΡΊΔΕΣI am redirecting this to the Type team.
My private opinion is Ai does it correct. A proper capital form of a letter with diacritics should get one. It’d be a disaster for Russian to loose breve and two dots (they are considered to be neither umlaut or diaeresis).
maria commented
Hi Egor,
to be honest i'm not sure how to explain this I will try again
All greek words have accents to emphasise the syllable when using small letters.
When changing the text to all-caps using the TT button the these accents used to disappear (because in greek language capital letters do not take accents)
After the update all my illustrator files that had capital letters now have accents
Under the TT button there is a field that says English USA (this has always been the same)
Now, in order for these accents to stop appearing I need to change it to Greek (see screenshots before)
This means that every time I want to capitalize words I need to change the language / same goes for when I open previous files
I hope I explained well!
Please help me to understand this.
You say 'we need to change the language to Greek for accent to disappear' — you mean 'change to English'? or does it automatically detects English in Character and you have to force change it to Greek for these to vanish?