2025 (29.0.1) is giving tons of errors on preview.
I have a file with some simple multi-gradient appearance stacks that constantly throws two errors every time I load it, and every time I switch outline mode on and off. Also the document is marked as modified the instant I load it.
Works fine on 2023. Dunno how it works on 2024, I never switched to that one. Constantly complains on 2025.
This is happening in CPU preview mode, I would check if it's happening in GPU mode as well but I deleted 2025 before thinking about that detail.
Uservoice isn't letting me upload this file so I've posted it on my own site: http://egypt.urnash.com/media/blogs.dir/1/files/2024/11/IABD-Unknown-Error-Sample.zip - ~7m zip of an Illustrator file.
The two errors, in order, are:
"The outline cannot complete because of an unknown error [IABD]"
followed by
“An error occurred while processing the appearance of an object”.

Margaret Trauth commented
Oh hey a new version. Is this bug fixed in 29.2.1? No it is not. Back to 27.8.1 for me!
Margaret Trauth commented
Awrite, I just installed 2025 (29.1, an update from the 29.0.1 I originally reported this on) and noted the following:
* deleting this path on my original file did indeed fix this, both errors are gone
* drawing a new single-point path with this appearance instantly causes the [IABD] and appearance processing errors, whether I'm in outline or cpu preview
* this behavior exists in the gpu renderer tooaaaand
* your stripped-down file still generates both the [IABD] and appearance processing errors in 2025
That's one more drink I owe you if we ever end up in the same place at a convention, I guess :)
Margaret Trauth commented
Oh wow, thanks for doing the digging on isolating this one, Egor! I will try to make some time to reinstall 2025 and see if I'm still getting the [IABD] error. It definitely makes a *ton* of sense for it to be a weird edge case with effects this update touched.
(Here's a Reddit post from someone who's getting similar behavior except their first error is [!out] instead of [IABD], followed by the "error during processing appearance of an object": https://www.reddit.com/r/AdobeIllustrator/comments/1ha2ol9/anyone_ever_had_this_pop_up/)
....really I would kinda love it if there was a "show me the offending object" button on the "error processing appearance" requestor next to the "ok" button., I should make that feature request if it doesn't already exist.
New idea from comment
This comment was upgraded into a new idea: "Show me the offending object" button in the appearance error dialog for [IABD] and [!out] errors -
Here is the redacted file. I think it’s safe to delete the original, if this one behaves the same way for you, with the [IABD] error.
I get only the second one (after the warning about the missing link).
Then I just deleted the object part by part, one by one, until I found the only singular point in the 'witch clothes' sublayer, right in the middle of the character’s left half of the chest (right one for the viewer). If I delete the point, no error shows up.
And the specific effect that causes the problem is Feather: when left in one fill only and disabled, the error vanishes.
So I assume it’s related to the recent performance changes for the blur-based effect the team introduced to boost up the performance.
I will share this redacted file with the team, so that they can review it.