AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
My feedback
6139 results found
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Related to this request:
Automatically focus stroke or fill based on the current appearance of selected object Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
8 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Related to this request:
Select Fill or Stroke Does Not Make Selection Automatically Edit-Ready error occurred while saving the comment I don't get it. You propose that AI would automatically switch to setting fill (from stroke if it was active before), when you select object with fill, but no stroke? So you can change fill to other fill?
If so — then no.
AI can't guess your intentions. And if it would try — it will ruin other people's workflows, switching fill/stroke when they don't want to. What if I intend to set stroke, for example?But I think this switch should automatically change to fill if 'Select same fill' is executed and same for stroke.
There is a request for this: -
Holding Shift (or Ctrl) to move RGB sliders together in Color panel doesn’t work when color is white
10 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Affinity Designer does it worse, BTW.
If any slider is at 255, holding Shift won’t work.
And it won’t work for clear black, unlike in Illustrator, — at least one slider ahve to be non-zero.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea · -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment My bad.
I forgot to mention this got broken in the latest GA release and then fixed in the Beta 28.6 build 62: no idea why the team holds it from being pushed into the main release...
Regarding Save for Web — ah, so you compare Save for Web in PS with Export for Screens! Well, then yes.
Well, as you know, Ai has its win Export > Save for Web (Legacy), It has ALMOST the same controls, and allows PNG dither controls, preview, but no proper profile management (there is a separate report on this you voted for —
But sure, it does not allow handling several pieces at once.An error occurred while saving the comment I bet Ps calculates the bounds of the pasted artwork on its own side, no matter how Ai handles it.
I am almost sure it’s just a coincidence and encourage you to log or upvote an existing request for Ps at their side. The last time we tried it, Ps team discovered they can’t paste layers directly, and quickly developed a way to handle them (well, mostly). So this can work in this case as well. The more we push Adobe, all parties involved, the better. Please do it!I do not think these are better merge. The practice shows when these are clumped in more generalized request, the team tends to provide the laziest on-top solution, ignoring the shades and variants. In some other case I am all into merging, but here I hesitate...
Several years ago we were able to persuade the team to respect the clipping mask’s bounds for Export and Rasterize.
So in this case you could have rasterize it directly in Ai and the unembed the result into a file. There are other solutions and workflows, but there are so many differences between expectations we have about exporting... I can’t tell if these fit yours :)Also, I am curious — why do you think Photoshop’s Save for Web is superior?
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment No, older version of Ai behave exactly the same way. Checked this with several of these, down to CS1.
It does not matter which paste method is used, and drag-n-drop behaves the same.I agree with the request, and there are several related ones on a similar topic:
1. If a symbol contains clipping groups or freeform gradients, its bounding box is calculated based on bounds of clipped contents, not masks —
2. Add an option for the Layers panel to show tight bound thumbnails for clipping groups —
3. Make Envelope Distort to ignore the clipped part of a clipping group —
etc....but I suspect it’s something Photoshop should handle. If you add a request at the Photoshop forums ( — I encourage you to do it) — please share a link here in the comments below, so that other users could vote for it there.
5 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment This is similar to a problem I have when export only some artboards — I don’t see the numbers.
I have to cancel the dialog, switch to Artboard Tool, and check manually which ones I need to export.
Ideally, I’d like to export (and the same to be applied to this request) not only the current, but selected, if several are.
Would you agree? -
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Philipp, some of these things were already requested here:
1. Magic Wand Tolerance should remember previous settings —
2. Add checkbox to modify Magic Wand tool so you can select from "Active" or "All Artboards" —
3. Allow Magic Wand to select items only currently visible in the viewport —
I added you as a voter to all of these.As for the other parts of this entry — as far as I know, nobody requested these before.
Even though these a re quite clear to me, please log each one as a separate request and provide more details for each.
One idea per entry is mandatory — this will help to flesh these out for the team and other users. -
4 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
4 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, it is more aggressive in its fitting, I noticed this as well.
I extracted the error message report into a separate report: — please add more details on the bug there, if you have any.
An error occurred while saving the comment Tommaso, some changes we made into the way Pencil handles smoothing in the latest Beta, with the Live Feedback option enabled in the tool’s options.
Can you please check it and see if this matches the idea you have for smoothing? If not — please comment back on it in general.
In any case — kindly demonstrate the cases where you feel the current smoothing fails you and explain why. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Kokoh, press Enter with the Brush tool picked or double-click the Brsuh tool icon to open the Options dialog.
Now see if you have the Edit Selected Path option enabled (it is by default). Then study the 'Within' slider and value below — it defines how close a new path should be from the one that is selected for Ai to treat it like fixing it.So, you draw new paths too close to the original one, forcing Ai to replace them completely.
Either disable 'Keep Selected' option, or 'Edit Selected Path', or tweak the 'Within' value, or don’t draw new paths that close. Any of these should work.Please comment back if it does though!
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Actually... I just replicated it. Take a look at the file attached.
I won’t be able to explain you the problem you had, but at least you can try to study it at your side.
The clipping mask is a compound path (not a compound shape! the difference is rather large).
The object on the left is my original art I created it from — it’s just a bunch of circles. To make this original compound path to work like this, I opened Attributes panel and toggled Fill Rule to be Even-Odd (with the object selected) — this makes it alternate filled and unfilled region.
Then I used Divide button in Pathfinder (with the option 'Divide and Outline Will Remove Unpainted Artwork' enabled, to get rid of unfilled holes (disabled by default). I removed the unneeded parts (notice that some very tiny ones can happen), ungrouped, and then used Object > Compound Path > Make command to assemble it back.
You don’t have to use the same method.An error occurred while saving the comment I try to download it, but the file is rather large, and the connection drops often :(
Perhaps you can remove the image from a file, leaving only the paths you want to use for clipping? This should make it much more lighter.An error occurred while saving the comment Anna, it seems like UserVoice is blocking the upload you make for some reason. They have some strict security policies...
Would you mind uploading the file someplace else and share a link instead?
While you are at it, can you tell me (just in case the file won’t get through still), what exactly IS your clipping mask? Is it a group? A compound path? A compound shape?An error occurred while saving the comment Can you please share a test file and point at the image you are trying to replicate?
I will try to reassemble it to match it and to find out what a problem was. -
46 votes
We have released an update (version 28.6) which takes care of this particular ask. Please upgrade your Illustrator application to latest versions and let us know your feedback.
An error occurred while saving the comment Two related requests:
1. Disable all "Generative AI" marketing popups —
2. Remove Text to Vector from Properties panel —
Please upvote them, if you agree.An error occurred while saving the comment Paul, the section is collapsible, you can minimize it, effectively making it just a 'button'.
What makes you want to hide it completely, if that’s what you are asking about?AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This would require a video recording of the way it works, the test file, along with the list of snapping options you have enabled: Snap to Point, Smart Guides, 'Highlight anchors on mouse over' (even though it’s not technically a snapping option, it DOES influence the snapping), etc.
It’s not that I don’t know what you are talking about, but the proofs are required to help to nudge the problem.
The more evidence we have to show the team, the better our chances are. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Rasmus, Help > About Illustrator should show you the build number.
What GPU do you have specifically? Can you please share a test file that gives such a garbage rendering? -
22 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark, thanks for the investigation. Feels like it :(
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
0 votes
Please provide a test file with the path that gives these results along with full specs for OS and GPU.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kayla, can you share a test file with this path only included, so the team can check it? A screenshot is good to have (thanks!), but without the actual file it won’t really help to evaluate the problem. Kindly share it.
Also — if you toggle the Preview mode from GPU to CPU — is there any difference? If yes, please also share your full OS and GPU specs.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Do you refer to Ai on iPad, or to Ai for Desktop?
If the latter — can you please show a screenshot of the button you mean? Perhaps it’s a translation’s fault, but I can’t understand which one you mean. -
3 votes
This is reported to be fixed in the latest Beta
Please check if it works for you and comment back.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kristaps, does it happen with the latest global availability build, 28.5?
Does it happen for all the documents you try to export, or only this one?
Does it help to change a format or export parameters, like resolution, color mode, etc?
What Export method do you use — Export for Screens, Export As, Save for Web, a custom script?
Can you share the parameters used, a test file you can reproduce this problem with?
Seems to be related to these two requests:
1. Show image output dimensions before exporting with Export As —
2. Add a way to resize an exported image with Export As method to a specific size, like Save for Web can —