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4509 results found

  1. Fit artwork to match the size of artboards

    Fit a shape to CANVAS SIZE
    Fit a shape to artboard from ARTBOARD / FIT TO CANVAS SIZE

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  2. Smart Guide object edges (on mouse hover) should be easier to distinguish from actual selected object edge

    With smart guides on, a selected object's edge outlines look the same as a rolled-over / mouse-over / hover-over object.

    With complex art, it's often difficult to distinguish if you have an item selected or not. Bounding box handles help, but It would be better if there was some additional attribute related to the actual outline. Perhaps a lower tint of the same guide color?

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  3. Stroke dialogue box decimal adjustment

    In the stroke dialog box, have an up\down arrow on the RHS of the size to affect the “after decimal” size.

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  4. Add buttons in a tool panel to directly remove fill or stroke without a need to focus one

    LHS toolbox Stroke/Fill helpful feature
    At the bottom of the LHS Toolbox, have an x inside the stroke coloured square to remove a stroke instead of going to colour swatch box.

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  5. Image Trace halftone

    Image Trace should recognize halftone and implement as 4 node circles.

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  6. Select small fragments to delete

    Select small fragments to delete by having a sliding scale or by size. Show colour to indicate the affected area.

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  7. Allow to hold Opt/Alt while using Lasso tool to toggle freeform / polygonal modes, like in Photoshop

    Make lasso tool like Photoshop so you can use the Option click with more detail.

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  8. 斜線と直交する正円中心点の距離を寸法記入したい


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  9. Print current artboard

    If my file has more than one artboard and I want to print the selected artboard, I have to press (shift + o) to see number of the artboard, then (Ctrl + P) then I have to write the number of the artboard I want to print.
    This actually so boring especially if my file work requires to print a lot.
    Please if you add an option to print dialog which is (print current artboard) that will help a lot.
    Thank you

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  10. 当拖入(粘贴)到illustrator的图片或对象大于默认画布尺寸


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  11. Magic Wand: Remember default values, restrict to active artboard, fine tune values, ...

    The magic wand seems to got old. It is missing so much functions.

    • Remember settings from previous sessions
    • Restrict selection to active artboards
    • Restrict selection to view
    • Restrict to main active layer

    • Add all the possibilities you can find under "select > same"

    • fine tune the values

    • explain the tolerance value (e.g. for fill colour)

    • add selections by tint, by hue, ...

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  12. When pasting into photoshop, masked objects should be defined by / constrain mask size. Objects / pixels outside the mask should be ignored.

    When pasting a masked object from AI to Photoshop, the size of the object is determined by everything inside and outside of the mask. It should be determined by the size of the mask only. Photoshop interprets the clipboard size based on the entire object size rather than the masked size. The result is that the desired final cropped artwork is pasted pasted too small.

    I believe this is a bug or design error. I am pretty sure much (much!) older versions of AI didnt do this.
    I dont know of a scenario where the current action would be desirable.…

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  13. Ability to backup fonts from Adobe Fonts locally

    Recommendations on where to download fonts that wont disappear? I have t-shirts I'm selling and cant find fonts I used so I have to change all the websites imp marketing on.

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  14. Increase levels of smoothing for paintbrush or pencil

    To have control on stabilization of small form or

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  15. Ai形式でクイック書き出し が機能しない。

    Ai形式でクイック書き出し ボタンを押しても先に進めず、無反応。

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  16. Variable Width point distribution advanced controls

    The standard distribution of the width points and number of width points needs a toggle to advanced controls where the width points can be locked to (or between specified) anchor points on the path.
    I hypothesize that this would fix the glitch where the movement, addition or subtraction of anchor points throws the width distribution out of wack.

    • Would also like to see more pronounced the location of all width points when the path is selected instead of fumbling along the path; perhaps secondary color to standard layer color.

    • Within the "Width Point Edit" dialogue, buttons to advance…

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  17. Make Envelope Distort to ignore the clipped part of a clipping group

    I would like it to be possible to perform an envelope distort operation so that only what is in the clipping is taken into account in the calculation of object bending. At the moment, if I have, for example, objects (like circle) in a clipping rectangle and I use the "Make with Mesh" or "Make with Top Object" option to bend the whole thing to a different shape, the bend sizes are not only limited to the clipping but to all objects that are not visible and hidden under the clipping, causing it to be badly deformed. It would be…

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  18. Faciliter les masques d'écrêtage sur des formes complexes

    J'ai réussi une seule fois à le faire et depuis impossible, j'ai passé plusieurs heures mais je n'arrive pas à comprende où est le blocage. Cela devrait être simple et facile car c'est une manipulation facile via pathfinder ou le tracé transparent.
    EN bleu version test réussi et en orange les crash tests. Si vous pouvez m'aider, merci d'avance !

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  19. Allow to set custom default layer colors, with options

    In 2017 we asked to allow to customize colors for layers, so that edges drawn for object didn’t burn our eyes out:

    In 2020 Illustrator team removed yellow color from the default 5th color for new layers, shifting the order, but never did anything with cyan, gray, black...

    We need an ability to set up our own order for these colors.

    We need to be able to store these as presets, so we can switch these.

    We need a way to make a certain order preferred in a template or a document profile.

    We need an ability to remap…

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    8 comments  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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  20. Please make Illustrator's text compatible with After Effects, just like Photoshop

    Please make Illustrator's text compatible with After Effects, just like Photoshop. It is so basic, why do I have do BUY Overlord for a such basic task?

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