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4517 results found

  1. Make blend profiles (acceleration) and better blend controls

    Blend tool in AI is weak.
    Please add acceleration for both attributes and positions for blended objects, as other competitors do.
    Remove positioning by Bezier tension, people hardly use it (watch forums), — make separate curve control for it (or at least sliders!)

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    8 comments  ·  Blends  ·  Admin →
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  2. Make ability to make warnings show in background and not in dialogue windows

    Right now we can click OK/Enter every time interrupting warning dialogue pops up, or tick 'Never show again'.
    I would prefer background message, same as 'Shape expanded' now appears.
    For example, I use Ctrl+J combination to connect all my segments in one closed path. I can have two or more segments, and just press this combination several times to achieve my goal, rather then count how many times I should press it. But when path is finally closed, AI throws a warning at me. Usually my hands press keys one more time after that and AI beeps-blinks, which is awful…

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  3. Improve and allow customize the 'Show' info slot in the bottom bar (next to horizontal scrollbar)

    Show field next to zoom and artboard selectors below work area can now show 5 things:
    current artboard name, which is nowhere else is seen except Artboards palette;
    current Tool, that is usually visible if Tools panel is on;
    current date-time, which is visible in system clock;
    number of undos, which was quite useful when RAM was tiny;
    current profile, which is visible in document header.
    I mean, almost every info available is also available in other place!

    I would like to use this field as something exclusive:
    number of selected objects (nowhere to be seen, only PathScribe plugin can…

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  4. Add Preview tick to 'Free distort' effect dialogue window

    Using 'Free distort' is very inconvenient, because it works in small dialogue window that doesn't show actual artwork.
    'Preview' tick could solve this problem (although I'd rather prefer 4 interactive points.)
    AT LEAST! It should be live long ago, without separate dialogue!

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  5. Add Shear and Taper to Transform Effect (or add as Warp effect)

    Shearing and tapering are ones of few operations that can't be automated procedurally.
    Using 'Free distort' is very inconvenient, because it works in small dialogue window that doesn't show actual artwork (it doesn't even have Preview tick! — I'll add another feature request about it). Although 'Stylism' plugin from AstuteGraphics solves problem with control, revision is definitely required.
    Shear tool and Free distort tool are fine, but they are live tools, and won't help to repeat same the effect later if needed.
    Please, add shearing and tapering either as part of Transform effect or new Warp (both as effect and…

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  6. Make units and grid settings to be bound to file

    I work for screen and print media simultaneously in different files
    I work in metric units.
    I need to have 'mm' for general-stroke-type in design for printing and 'px' in other file for screen.
    I'm so tired to change units every time I Ctrl+Tab between them. By hand, every time!
    Ctrl+Shift+U change only general units, and I have to skip all picas-inches I never use.
    I have to Ctrl+K, click Units and drop down three menus every time I need to see units I need in file I need!
    PostScript is cool, point reassigned as a strict fraction of an…

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  7. Add ability to rebind artboard names to their numbers

    In my work I add and delete artboards during work.
    When artboard is created, it's given a name, corresponding it's number.
    When custom artboard is deleted, numbers of next artboards are shifted (it's OK), but names stay the same.

    So when job is done, I can have something like this:
    1. Artboard 6
    2. Artboard 8
    3. Artboard 9
    4. Artboard 10
    5. Artboard 12
    and so forth

    Since the last number is almost as noticeable as first one, it's hard to pick up correct ones for export.
    I have a script written to fix this, which renames artboards to…

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  8. Non-uniform scale tool by angle

    Using available AI tools I have to twist and dance to perform non-uniform scale by angle.

    Right now I have to do this:
    1. Rotate path to make in straight oriented (it's not an default ellipse, it's manually traced path)
    2. Reset bounding box
    3. Rotate path backwards
    4. Turn on bounding box (I work with it turned off)
    5. Scale using bounding box at angle

    If I use Scale tool instead, and set point to a center,
    AI will scale path uniformly ONLY.
    What a stupidity is this? I even remember custom plugin tool that allowed desired action, but…

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  9. Make setting reference point hotkeyable

    Problem Description:
    I change the reference point all the time.
    I'm so tired of grabbing a mouse and searching for a reference grid and precisely clicking in a tiny-tiny square.
    Please add a possibility to set a hotkey for each position!

    Look, there is a whole numbers block at the right side of a keyboard (if you are not using these fancy ***** castrated versions which don't have it). I could have used it to set the reference point, using something like Ctrl+Shift+3 to set it to the right bottom.
    I can use an action for doing this, bit I'm…

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  10. Make grids more useful

    I'm a fan of grids. I use the grid almost always whenever I need one.

    I have to use the default 'In Back' grid and turn 'Overprint preview' on, to make the grid overlay my art, so I can see what I'm doing and where I'm snapping (because the cursor does not give any feedback about this).

    But the method it's not perfect because of bugs I reported here and there.

    So I propose to improve options we have.
    Allow users to set grid’s color (check) and transparency, give an option to define line width — some monitors are too…

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    5 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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  11. Make incrementation looped in angle value fields for Move, Rotate and other dialogs

    Problem Description:
    AI can do math in fields and that is awesome.
    But I always swear a little when I use angle fields.

    For example:
    1. Move an art with Move dialogue at 10mm and 360 degrees
    2. Select another object and invoke dialogue again
    3. Type in '+30' in angle, so it would become '360+30'
    4. Press Tab or Enter

    Actual Result:
    AI says DING (or whatever sound is set for it in your OS) and does nothing

    Expected Result:
    AI should turn this typed value into '30', that is make one revolution and don't bother me, as a…

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  12. Make a hotkey to go one level up in Isolation mode

    It quite frequently needed to go one level up when burrowed in isolation mode.
    The only way to do it now — is button, unscriptable, unhotkeyable, mouse only.
    Make a hotkey for it, please.

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  13. Allow to set font-size by setting x-height and cap height

    I very often create designs where I should have certain x-height.
    Now I have to achieve this using long workaround (I do it very quick now, but now quick enough, and its not actionable):
    1. Create copy of typed text with Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F
    2. Outlining copy
    3. Finding symbol with flat top an bottom (x or X or similar)
    4. Choose Direct selection tool
    5. Shift+click chosen letter
    6. Deleting unwanted symbols from copy
    7. Scale outline of chosen letter 1000%
    8. Going outline mode (enlarged letter will probably take whole screen)
    9. Shift+click at live text behind letter

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    I am glad to remind all who voted for this feature that it is now possible to set a font size as x-height or cap height with Show Font Height Options toggle enabled in Character panel menu.

    Some issues still remain, yes, like, wrong size calculation if a font has rounded stems that end below baseline (, or inability to focus the dropdown with Tab (, or calculating font height by measuring glyphs instead of reading the actual value within the font (, but overall this is done, works, and super cool, don’t you think?

  14. Remember scaling per file in Save for web

    I design for printing and use 'Save for web and devices' to have crisp images.
    E.g. I can have document 300x900mm, and then I export it as 600x1800px and have my snapped sharp lines to stay sharp.
    But 'SfWaD' always immediately renders image at '100%' (which is not 100% at all at Windows — it's an another problem to be discussed), and I get 850x2551.
    When my dimensions are bigger, AI sometimes can't even render an image and I get error message and pink fill in preview area.
    I try to draw ten times smaller whenever is possible to avoid…

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  15. Better handling huge images in clipboard

    When I cut huge images, AI literally puts them in clipboard and it takes minutes to complete and sometimes crashes AI.

    But I usually do this only to immediately paste them in front/back of other objects, to make desired order.
    AI don't have commands in Layers palette like 'Move in front/back of selected objects', so this is almost the only way to achieve this.
    Dragging selected objects (including images) within Layers palette is very incovinient, because I don't know exactly where targeted object is located there (but I can clearly see it on page).
    I also can cut image from…

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  16. Reversing order of objects

    Sometimes it's useful to change order of selected objects, making bottom-most go topmost and vice versa.

    I understand possible complications — what would AI do when selected objects have other unselected objects between them (meaning order)?
    For example, I have these objects in Layers:
    I select 1,2,3 and do proposed 'Reverse order' command.
    I expect order to become this:
    I see two fitting places for this command: Layers palette menu or Object > Arrange
    It's scriptable, but I would like to have it by default.

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  17. 64 votes

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  18. Symmetric Curve while using Pen Tool

    As in Corel Draw if we are using a "Three point curve tool" we can make it a symmetric circular shape curve by simply pressing the shortcut "SHIFT" key.
    I think it should be in illustrator with the pen tool. We could make it circular by pressing any shortcut key. as most of the time symmetric circular curves are required instead of simple smooth curves.

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  19. 4 votes

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  20. Ability to edit a graphic style in Graphic Styles

    If I want to edit an existing and saved graphic style, I have to apply it to an object, go to Appearance, make changes, open Graphic Styles palette again and Alt+Drag object with style over style thumbnail (or dig into the menu to redefine it). This is very long way.
    If I just select a style and go to Appearance and make changes — the link between style and appearance will just vanish (the name of style vanishes), these changes will apply only to new art, and style itself won't be changed (unless I redefine it immediately).
    Please, make a…

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