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4534 results found

  1. Select > Same > Font (Size/ Style/ Typeface / Size& Style / Size and Typeface)

    Extend the select menu items to include options for selecting type variations.

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  2. Make Spiral as a live shape, editable after it has been drawn

    It could be useful to have an option for adding segments, or changing decay, especially if it serves as a path for text.

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  3. Add a swatch from a color inside a gradient in Adobe Illustrator

    When you are working in a gradient, you may customize your colors inside. However, there's no way to add this new color as a swatch - or even to be given a HEX code. Let's make this more functional!

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  4. Make Pathfinder work with groups properly

    Allow for the Pathfinder to operate on groups of objects as if the group were one object. Possibly its own pathfinder function.

    If I am working with a group it is understood that I want to work with those items as one object. However, when using the pathfinder to minus front, and the object below is part of a group it just deletes the entire group along with the portion of the top object that I wanted to get rid of. When would that be useful? This will also be posted as a bug, because that is how I view…

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  5. Creative Cloud Files appear in Library Panel in Illustrator

    Currently folders and files in the Creative Cloud Files folder are local and synchronise with the cloud. They are visible on the website but are separate from Creative Cloud Libraries that we use inside Illustrator. It’s tantalisingly close to being an awesome feature, yet…

    Please join them up! Make creative cloud files visible in the libraries panel in Illustrator, and vice versa; and make the libraries available locally.

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  6. An ability to permanently move the transformation center (pivot, anchor) when rotating, scaling, etc.

    Rotation center point should be able to remain with objects and groups and then used when rotating an object using the bounding box controls.

    I want to be able to permanently edit (and reset) an object's (or group's) rotation axis (center point). I want the new rotation axis to apply for subsequent rotation transformations, for example when using the bounding box controls.

    Currently, the rotation tool (r) allows you to pick up and move an object's center, and then rotate the object around that point. Great, except that point disappears as soon as you exit the rotation tool, which isn't…

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  7. Support 16 bit images / iOS 11 Screenshots distorted

    Screenshots made in iOS 11 are distorted when open or used in AI. Distortion persists during export to pdf.

    AI 21.1.0
    macOS 10.12.6
    MacBook Pro 2017

    All other tested Image Softwares displayed the screenshot correctly (Photoshop CC, Preview, Chrome, Safari)

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  8. Layer Panel Rename + tab

    This one is (or sounds) easy and would mimick Photoshop’s function :
    I need to be able to rename layers in a row without scripting, by simply typing tab to go to the next visible layer’s name.

    • it would really help with Character Animator's process.

    Step by step :

    I’m in the Layers panel.
    Those are badly named (layer 1, layer 2, layer 7…)
    I double click on the top layer (1) name to change it.
    I type « item A »
    Then i press Tab once.
    I’m now in the « layer 2 » name field, and all is…

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  9. "Check Spelling" Back or Undo Last Button

    Add a back button or Undo Last button in the "Check Spelling" dialog box. Many times I accidentally skip a word that needs correction and I have to restart "Check Spelling" from the beginning.

    Other times I accidentally pick the wrong correction and have to quit "Check Spelling" undo the fix and restart the process all over again.


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  10. Resize artboard&art inside it simultaneously

    I just want to resize both artboard and art inside it.
    Currently, I've used beta 22.0.0, I can multiple select artboards, but I can't just scale art with artboard, I need to scale each one separately. Or scale art, then select Object->Artboards-> Fit To Selected Art...

    But I want just like Ctrl+Mouse to scale them both.

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  11. Adobe Draw File Management

    I use Adobe Draw every day, and I keep all drawings for one project together in one file. There is no function to change the order that files or folders appear in the app, nor is there a search function, and and so if I am still working on a drawing I created yesterday in a folder that I opened 4 years ago, I have to visually search through hundreds of drawings every time I open the app or move back and forth through different projects.

    Pretty please, introduce either a 'sort by last opened' option, and/or a file/folder search…

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  12. Make Illustrator PDFs more automatically accessible

    Accessibility is incredibly important. Obviously Adobe wants to help but it is incredibly limited in Illustrator. If you supply multiple artboards, character and paragraph styles and great text placement options, you should make the PDF export carry those options through. What's the point of using InDesign when you only have two pages? Who needs to files for every project?

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  13. Contextual Pie-menus, like Radiant menus by Wacom

    creating a contextual "shortcut" menu overlapping layer to access quickly Tools. This is a kind of Radiant Menu developed by Wacom on their tablet for example or Alias marking menu. This should really improve workflow ergonomics.

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  14. Keyboard shortcut to hide/show selected layer / object

    Option to assign a keyboard shortcut for hide/show selected layer / object. Currently you have to click on the eye icon, which is pretty cumbersome. (for eg Photoshop has this feature, I think).

    (I'm on a project where you need to trace this huge sketch with ready made elements and so toggle layer visibility is a fast way to see how things are aligning.) Cheers!

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    3 comments  ·  Layers  ·  Admin →
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  15. Paste svg content from clipboard, not underlying xml content

    There are several design tools that can put SVG text on the clipboard including Illustrator. Please support pasting that content from the clipboard as content, not xml text. XD does this correctly, so Illustrator should too.

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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 22.1.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  16. Custom templates / presets should not be stored in the application folder

    Custom templates, etc. should not have to be stored in the application folder... which means I'm throwing away user-generated documents when I upgrade the app.

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  17. Reinstate The Functionality Of The Swatches Panel In CS 5.5

    I’d like to see the functionality of the Swatch panel that was in (Windows) Ai CS 5.5 reinstated. Specifically, when the panel was opened, I used to be able to toggle through the Color Modes by holding Shift and clicking on the color square (thumbnail). If I held Cntrl, it would toggle to the color compliment. These were two great features that were eliminated with CS 6 through to the current version of CC 2017. Bring these back!!

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  18. Visual Keyboard Shortcut Editor, for mapping hotkeys, like Premiere and After Effects have

    I just saw YouTube videos of Adobe demonstrating the latest versions of Premiere Pro CC and After Effects at IBC 2017.

    Finally After Effects is getting its own mappable keyboard shortcuts like the one in Premiere Pro. But what about Illustrator and Photoshop?

    We Photoshop and Illustrator users definitely need this too!

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  19. pin document to start screen

    Have the ability to pin a document to the home screen

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  20. Archimedean Spirals

    Surely this should just be a default option for spiral drawing, in the current state of design i would imagine regular spirals would be used far more often than logarithmic, the current way to create them is lengthy and cumbersome.
    Hope this makes it!

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