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4522 results found

  1. Allow clipping paths to have complex appearances.

    Currently, a clipping path can only have one stroke, one fill, no effects, no brushes, no multiple fills/strokes. Well, it can have all the fills, strokes, effects, and other stuff your heart desires, but only one fill and one stroke will be displayed.

    I would really like this to change. I use a lot of complex appearance stacks and working around this makes things complicated.

    To make this play nicely with existing art, there probably needs to be a switch somewhere for backwards compatibility with existing art that may have a lot of complex appearances on clipping masks.

    There also…

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  2. Open DXF or DWG and maintain layers, including X-ref layers

    The last version with this functionality was 25. It is critical to my team's workflow. Please bring it back.

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  3. ファイルをテンプレートとして保存する際の改善を求めます


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  4. Leerzeichen beim Wörter editieren nicht antasten!

    Wenn man ein Wort in einem Satz auswählt um es zu ändern, wird das Leerzeichen danach auch ausgewählt. Wenn ich nun das neue Wort schreibe, wird das Leerzeichen entfernt! Man muss dann immer extra das Leerzeichen erneut eingeben! In vielen anderen Textprogrammen wird das Leerzeichen nicht angetastet (ob es nun ausgewählt wird oder nicht)!

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  5. Don't stop Duplicating when ALT is released !!

    When using Select and Direct Selection Tools, you can duplicate elements by holding ALT-key down.

    But if you release the ALT-key before you release the Mouse Button, the duplicating ceases . This differs from how most of the other applications behaves. For example in Photoshop, duplicating continues even if you release the ALT before you release mouse button.

    How this works in Illustrator leads often to situations where you think you have duplicated something, but you actually just moved it. And often I edit the element I thought I duplicated, and loose lot of work as it wasn't actually duplicated…

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  6. Recolor Artwork: Use Eyedropper to pick colors from Artwork

    It would be nice if we could pick colors from artwork to to the Recolor Artwork with Eyedropper. Now if I want to match a color to an some existing color in canvas, I have to close the Recolor Artwork window, use the Eyedropper and then restart Recolor Artwork.

    It would be great if we could just pick color from canvas while keeping Recolor Artwork open.

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  7. Recolor Artwork: Click the Artwork to Select color to recolor

    It is often hard to pick the right color to edit from the Recoror Artwork UI. This especially when Editing colors that are close to each other.

    It would be nice if we could click ( or ctrl/shift/alt+click) the artwork and select which color we want to edit in Recolor Artwork utility.

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  8. 3 votes

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  9. Subdivision for Ellipses / Circles

    For constructing objects with circles, it would be nice to have a possibility to enter the subdivision / number of Anchor Points on a circle.
    All circles have 4 Anchor Points and this can be subdivided to 8/16/etc., but when we need a circle with 6 evenly spaced Anchor Points, it's quite a hazzle to get there. Why not add a subdivision field?

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  10. Shortcut "Make New Artboard"

    I need a shortcut to make a new artboard.
    same syntax as a new layer with Ctrl + L but for artboards

    There is no way to assign any kind of shortcut to this SO basic command, nor via action, shortcut editor, or script. And I'm aware of Shift + O


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  11. Easier way to find object in large file with small blue bar above layers panel

    Working in larger files, it's hard to find the exact object selected. What if there was a blue bar that highlighted which way to scroll? (top of the layers panel scroll up, bottom of the layers panel scroll down) to find it rather than looking for the blue box next to the object's layer? When you click on the blue bar, it takes you directly to the selected object. If multiple objects are selected, you could keep clicking the button to go to the next object down the list.

    I've attached a photoshoped mockup of what I am trying to…

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  12. Remove round corner minimum angle limit

    Please allow for round corner angle threshold control via Preferences. The very common issue I have all the time is being unable to round corners with angles smaller than some hardcoded threshold.

    Not a big issue rally on simple trivial geometry where you can workaround by manually constructing the round corner. But in my field I have to constantly deal with large complex paths needing all corners rounded regardless of angle.

    I always have to resort to exporting geometry to SVG, rounding corners in Corel or Affinity which don't have the said minimal angle limit, import back to AI and…

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  13. Staggering Saves

    I would like to be able to run multiple saves on a file without waiting for the first save to finish. For example while it is saving the .ai file I would like to also save a PDF immediately after. The software in the background wouldn't halt me interrupting my workflow but instead hold the second save in the background and run it once the first save finished. Prior to CC this was something I did a lot and competitors software as well as your own media encoder for Video apps have this function.

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  14. Launch Illustrator with the same opened documents tabs from closing

    I would add this option that would basically skip the home screen and launch straight into the last open documents from the last time I closed the app.
    This is very convenient instead of clicking through each document from the home screen.

    I guess this could also just become the main behaviour for closing Ai so if you instead want to get rid of all the open tabs you could right click on one and click "close all tabs"

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  15. Automatisches RESET oder Button für die Textformatierung bei Illustrator und InDesign

    Diese Funktion fehlt. Wenn ich viel schreibe oder Text einfüge, dann ist es mühsam, dass ich nicht die Wahl habe was bei einem neuen Textfeld bzw. neu eingefügten Text passieren soll: Letzte Formatierung beibehalten (aktuell) oder Reset zu einer Standard-Formatierung. Vielleicht reicht auch ein "RESET Textformatierung"-Button in der Menüleiste.

    Alternativ wäre es mir recht, wenn z.B. einfach nur die Funktion geändert würde bei Klick auf Formatierungsoptionen. Beispiel "Text unterstrichen". Wenn kein Text ausgewählt ist, dann ist "Text unterstrichen" dauerhaft an, wenn Text vorher markiert wurde, dann wird nur der ausgewählte Text unterstrichen und alle folgende Texte sind "normal", d.h. man…

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  16. ライフペイント


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  17. Save and export

    File > Save and Export
    So many times the last time I saved a file was to export and then I had to reboot. This is an option that would save the headache of rebuilding just because someone asked you for a proof and your brain closed a file that was "saved".

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. Is there a possibility to activate (highlight/select) layer by clicking on the Eye icon in AI?

    Is there any setup I can do in AI that when I click on the EYE icon at the Layer, the layer is getting selected by that? It is very inconvenient for me to open the eye and then the layer again to activate it...

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  20. package font-family instead of font

    Sometimes I need to adjust the font style in font family like Helvectica Neue Light, Condensed, Regular and so on, However now the illustrator only makes the package the font which have been used. That means when I get the package, I only can have one font in the font family only.

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