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Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests

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4471 results found

  1. GPU performance is not working properly

    GPU performance should improve efficiency when drawing complex objects, but the behavior has been delayed since CC 2018 (version 22).

    The file created in CC 2015.3 (version 20) is test sample.
    If you select a created object and move it with the mouse, the result will be completely different.

    2015.3 / 2017: Drawing delay does not occur when GPU performance is ON
    2018 / 2019 / 2020: GPU performance ON causes drawing delay, OFF is faster

    The confirmed environment is Windows 10 1909 + Intel Core i7-6700HQ + GeForce GTX 950M.
    In addition, although it is another data, the delay…

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  2. Add data attributes to elements for SVG export

    I'm using data attributes quite a bit these days, and have been experimenting with using them in SVG. They work very well, as a way of adding metadata or parameters to elements that can later be read by javascript/ES.
    But (of course) no support in illustrator for this feature. Worse, if I add them with another tool, then open the SVG in Illustrator, they get stripped from the document entirely. This is just stupid.

    Best of all, a data-attributes panel, very similar to the variable panel, but without the redraw bugs. Workflow something like this:

    Select an art object.

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  3. Allow Customization of The Features In Properties Panel (2018)

    I would like to be able to rearrange (customize) the features in the new 2018 properties panel. I want to be able to add, remove and rearrange the features in the panel. This way the panel will only shows what I want it to show and get ride for the stuff I don't use. I would like to at least be able to collapse what I don't use.

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  4. Real-time file collaborative editing, with multiple users at once

    I would suggest that Illustrator can open a file on several devices, perhaps 2 or 3 max. and allow a team of designers to work and brainstorm on the same file at the same time as an online service from Adobe.
    This can be used for other adobe design programs as well such as Photoshop.

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  5. Allow to marquee select within an area type text box without creating a new text object

    Marquee Select with text box in scope creates a new text box. This did not occur in Illustrator in the last 5+ years that I have been using it. This is relevant for users like me who do more text editing in Illustrator.

    in 2017 and prior, when you had a text box in scope that you were editing text in, you could marquee select the text or portions of it by starting a click outside of the text area. Now, in 2018, this will create a new text box every time. The result is that it is noticeably more…

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    Added To Backlog  ·  Anish Kumar responded


    Thanks for submitting this request , Illustrator team really appreciate this.
    We had taken your feedback on this and added it to backlog

  6. Make setting reference point hotkeyable

    Problem Description:
    I change the reference point all the time.
    I'm so tired of grabbing a mouse and searching for a reference grid and precisely clicking in a tiny-tiny square.
    Please add a possibility to set a hotkey for each position!

    Look, there is a whole numbers block at the right side of a keyboard (if you are not using these fancy ***** castrated versions which don't have it). I could have used it to set the reference point, using something like Ctrl+Shift+3 to set it to the right bottom.
    I can use an action for doing this, bit I'm…

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  7. Properties Panel Lack of alignment on single object

    Hello the new properties panel is good however if you select a single object there is no option to align that object, if you select more than one it comes up...

    THis would be very handy on a single object

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  8. Allow to change the UI language inside the program

    Add language option inside the program, instead of using system standard language. And can't use Creative Cloud application. My school have already application from Adobe which is install before hand. And applications has not been added to the list in Creative Cloud, there for I can't edit language.

    Just add option to change language inside the program.

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  9. Prevent Pen and Pencil tools from auto-connecting when a modifier is pressed

    Sometimes I want to draw a new path WITHOUT connecting it to existing one (and without locking artwork). I'd like to have a modifier key that will temporarily disable auto-connecting.

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  10. Allow Artboards to snap to the grid

    I'm working on a heavily modular layout and the modules are snapping to the grid nicely. However when duplicating the artboard, the artboard will not snap to the grid.

    This therefore throws the modules slightly off the grid as the Artboard position has to be matched by eye.

    I've also downloaded and tried the CC 2019 pre-release and it still does not allow snapping of artboards to the grid.

    Please fix this, thanks.

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    12 comments  ·  Snapping  ·  Admin →
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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.3.0 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  11. Drag CC Library colors to Gradient panel

    Right now, users can drag Swatches to the Gradient panel to build gradients quickly. It would be really handy if we could drag colors from the CC Library panel to the Gradient panel in the same way.

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  12. Better anti-aliasing

    Long time ago I abandoned Xara and moved to Illustrator full-time.
    I managed to solve all problems I had encountered with, but several things still bug me.

    One of them is this:

    The other one is a crude antialiasing.

    See attached images.
    Zara puts more shades of gray to show the slope of test line, while AI leaves more uniformly filled areas. It gets more noticeable when angle gets sharper.
    Changing anti-alising options doesn't help.

    Please, make anti-aliasing better.

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  13. File Specific "Export For Screen" Settings (mainly location)

    As a designer with multiple files,
    I want the ability to set the export for screens folder per file,
    So that I don't have to constantly relocate the location of the output for each file I open up. It would be helpful to get **** done.

    • When exporting a file the location identified for the first time is saved for subsequent times I access to export.
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  14. Make grids more useful

    I'm a fan of grids. I use the grid almost always whenever I need one.

    I have to use the default 'In Back' grid and turn 'Overprint preview' on, to make the grid overlay my art, so I can see what I'm doing and where I'm snapping (because the cursor does not give any feedback about this).

    But the method it's not perfect because of bugs I reported here and there.

    So I propose to improve options we have.
    Allow users to set grid’s color (check) and transparency, give an option to define line width — some monitors are too…

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  15. Ability to change the default swatches

    I'd really like to open up a new document with a predetermined default swatch selection. I know this can be done by saving swatches and saving your workspace but if I want to add new colors, I can't to the saved swatch window.

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  16. Allow more math operations than one, support fractions input, support calculations in all numerical fields

    It's handy when in Illustrator you have units set to picas and you input pixels just by adding the px, but not so handy when you need to add a fraction and because you don't know you have to calculate the value first, instead of for example typing 1+9/16 and not 1.5625.
    Other example is when you're setting guides or dividing grids: you need to break a space in x times or create a pattern.
    CorelDraw has it and saves a huge chunk of time.

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  17. プロパティパネルのアピアランス部分に濃度設定を追加してほしい





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  18. The recolor artwork window needs to be variable size.

    The color list form is too small. Make window resizable.
    recolor2 like it need. recolor1 like it looks now.

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  19. Be able to copy link name like Indesign to find missing links.

    Be able to copy link name like Indesign to find missing links. Have to manually type names with lots of number codes for missing links from others, would be much easier to be able to copy the name llike Indesign.

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    The solution is pushed into Global Availability build 28.6.

    The team intends to add another command into this menu, allowing to copy the path. That’s it.

    This request crucially lacks feedback from all the voters. Please comment back: do it if you don’t like how it works, and do it if you do.

  20. Screen recording / timelapse for showing work progress or tutorial steps

    Wondering if you guys could incorporate a timelapse tool inside the app to record the artwork being done?

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