Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4570 results found
The Color panel pops up when you click on stroke/fill selector
The Color panel pops up every time you click on the stroke or fill selectors. There is no way to disable this panel from popping up, even if you close it, it will open and come to the forefront. Many of us don't need or use the color panel; we use the swatches or other panel. Why is this panel being forced on those of us who don't use/want it?
44 votes -
Recent updates have made working with type more difficult
Using type in illustrator used to be a breeze. Now it seems you need near pixel-perfect accuracy to highlight or to select the type box. Often now you will just end up creating a new type box when trying to highlight type already present. Honestly, it worked great before whatever update changed this and now it's somewhat irritating to use. It's not a major issue really, but sometimes the old 'if it isn't broken, don't fix it' advice should be heeded.
4 votes -
Customize Application Menus with COLOR in Illustrator
Help! I love that Photoshop gives us the tools to change the way our toolbars look by highlighting the text in the columns with beautiful colors to the ones we use the most. I have yet to find this in Illustrator and I'm pouting; my memory depends on color coded hints... because that's what they taught me in kindergarten.
I added an image with screen shots for my artsy comrades as we are all visual beings. I'm going to wait in my happy place until I hear from you. Thank you in advance.4 votes -
Preview Mode
Like InDesign, incorporate a preview mode to show only the content inside of the artboard to see the final preview.
28 votes -
An L-systems panel like Inkscape, but where you can use symbols too.
Could be really powerful for pattern making, placing editable symbols or drawing lines or basic shapes with rules that can create patterns outside of the wallpaper set, including Penrose tiling and other fractals.
2 votes -
I usually use graphics from Libraries and Symbols to sharing icons, logotypes, and e.t.c. I would like to lock size ratio to these graphics.
I usually use graphics from Libraries and Symbols to sharing icons, logotypes, and e.t.c. I would like to lock size ratio to these graphics. I hate warped logos and rectangle icons instead of square!
1 vote -
Add Vector Noise effect
There is a way to and raster noise, but I'd love to have vector one as well, as AE and Xara and others can.
24 votes -
Better Smart Guides
Can you guys PLEASE make 'Smart Guides' better? For example, I work with product UI/Graphics and I'm always having to zoom in 1400% to clearly align and place objects on top of other objects, but the snapping is NOT GOOD AT ALL... Can you guys make things snap to each other like other programs are able to do so like CAD programs etc...
53 votesHello everyone,
Lately we have been thinking about improving the snapping / smartguide experience on Illustrator and we need your help in this process.
Please spare us some time of yours where we can come together on a online meeting and discuss your needs and pain point around snapping.
Please use this link to book an appointment :
Export for Screen Quality of export
Not sure if it has been asked or discussed (spent way to much time searching for it and not finding it) but the "export for screens" exports terrible quality - mostly for jpg.
The quality is jagged and blurry when exporting a large graphic with text that has been outlined. Yet, when I use the legacy export for the same width and size I want, the quality is far superior whilst still having a small footprint in size.
Why is the legacy export, in any format, so much better than the "export for screens" that you have made default?
14 votesPlease provide comparison screenshots for the designs you can see a clear difference between these two export methods.
There is a related bug report, and perhaps the quality discussed here is actually a bug:
Even if it’s somethings else, it’s not OK the request about image quality does not have a single image as an example. Please share!
Drag CC Library colors to Gradient panel
Right now, users can drag Swatches to the Gradient panel to build gradients quickly. It would be really handy if we could drag colors from the CC Library panel to the Gradient panel in the same way.
27 votes -
Option to have Measurements for Line - Full or Scaled.
If I were to draw a line from pint A to B the size of that line is displayed under the line. This should be optional and be able to be turned off. Also have the ability to state scaled size so it might have arrows point to star and end of line and the size in the middle <--------- 10" ----------> or it might say 10" @ 1/10 actual size 100".
2 votes -
Expanding Compound Clip Mask into induvidul paths for production
I want to produce individual paths to a set artboard size for production after designing a compound clip mask. sample below. There are to many steps involved in individualizing these paths. First you need to group everything with in the clip path then save in place. Then release the clip mask path then the compound path. Next you need to copy a paste into each individual path.
In Corel draw, after designing in the clip mask all you do is release that mask and it is automatically in each individual path after release.. Help me Ai best perform this task,…9 votes -
Duplicate artboard hotkey
It should be possible to duplicate artworks not only with Alt + Drag but with a button in the artboard options aswell - just replace it with the text that says "Press Alt + Drag Cursor to duplicate artboard" and keep the Hotkey function.
6 votes -
Copy paste sublayers
For projects you use in Adobe Character Animator. Make it possible to copy the whole mouth group (with sublayers smile, neutral, ...).
2 votes -
Split View on Mac
Split View on MAC, allows for full screen view while running 2 apps, with ability to interact with both sides of the screen. Its available on all apps, except Abode! I check PS and AI - they both don't work in this view.
36 votes -
Ability to copy individual effects from the appearance panel to other objects.
currently if you want to copy effects from one object to another your only option is to copy all of its appearance properties. You should be able to drag or copy just one aspect of somethings appearance without effecting the other properties. say i have a transform effect on an object in my appearance panel. currently if i want to apply that to another object i also have to copy the stroke, fill and any other properties that object has. there is no option to copy just that individual transform effect to other objects. this is an unnecessary limitation that…
24 votes -
Transfer files from Illustrator to Draw
It's easy to put files onto Illustrator from Draw, but there's no way to put them back in. I'd like to be able to seamlessly go between the two.
12 votes -
Stop nag windows
Provide the option to stop nag windows appearing - offering to take a tour of Illustrator, or to use the new tools instead of the old ones. I already use most of the new tools, but I would like to occasionally use some of the old ones without being reminded that other options exist. Especially after the 200th time...
21 votes -
"Video Safe Areas"
Hi. I've been asked to remove the video safe areas, margin and center mark from a new Video document, and had to look online to find that those "guides" where related to the artboard (each artboard, btw) and not to the document's preferences (which makes sense, btw).
Where I searched for them : in the view menu (and read carefully), in the preference, UI, in the properties panel. Took me a while to get to the artboard tool, then artboard options.
May be the 3 "guides" could be linked to a single button in Artboard tool properties panel…
2 votes -
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?