Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4570 results found
Tool palettes docked in touch bar
I would like to be able to dock tool palettes in the touch bar.
3 votes -
Cycle transparency modes with middle mousewheel
In the transparency panel (upon mouse-hover), cycle through transparency modes (Multiply, overlay, etc) with middle mouse wheel scrolling.
Similar to the wheel on "The Price Is Right."
Would be even cooler to preview all transparency modes at once within a thumbnail window.
4 votes -
Export symbols to SVG like as native path/vector
It would be very coherent to have an option to configure a "break link" when exporting symbols to SVG, leaving it as a common vector.
Currently, exporting symbols to svg creates a <symbol> element, leaving us with no freedom to manipulate every SVG as usual.
Extra hint: Put the symbol name as ID of the converted object in vector.
Since in Web projects, we need SVG with all its elements in native shapes/paths.6 votesHi Adson,
Thanks a lot for adding your feature request to Uservoice. Just to confirm, symbols are references by at the moment but you’d rather like to have the actual instance added directly:
Turns to:
Is this correct? What issues do you have with ?
1 vote
Allow Library text assets to save style and insert it with or without formatting
v22.1, Windows, 64bit
When I try to add text with a modified appearance to the library I get;
"Only basic appearances are supported for Text in Libraries. Advanced appearances have been dropped to add text to the current Library."
Or; "Couldn't save text asset having style. Remove the styles and try again”.
Seriously – no text styles in the library now? face palm
Ok, so 'Text library asset' is a thing now… whatever it’s supposed to be for, it’s braking basic library functionality.
If I want to add text with an advanced appearance to a library (ie. the ONLY sort…
4 votes -
Notepad like text editor for better rewrites
Until Outline to text is added could you please add an inbuilt text editor which can make retyping text a much less hassle.
I want it to be able to help me match my newly rewritten type best match the outline converted text.1 vote -
Stop installing foreign fonts I don't need
The font list is getting longer and longer, so it seems. Now we have (rather gimmicky if you ask me) Variable fonts.
I just want to get work done. I live in the Netherlands and I speak Dutch and English.
I don't speak Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew or Thai so I don't need to have these fonts available. These fonts just clutter my already long font list and make browsing and finding the font I actually need more difficult.
Solution: check the system in what language it is in and only install fonts which the user can actually use. Offer whatever…
13 votes -
Correct direction of the object rotate function
When rotating objects in a positive angle direction, objects SHOULD rotate CLOCKWISE
When rotating objects in a negative angle direction, they SHOULD rotate COUNTER CLOCKWISEIllustrator seems to be BACKWARDS from all other programs I have ever used...
7 votes -
Alignment tools can use reference/center point of an object instead of edges
Following this discussion on Stack:
I think it would be great if objects in illustrator were treated as such - with edges, but also with a center point.
Aligning/rotating solely based on edges is extremely limited.
If an "Object point of reference" option was added, selecting several objects and rotating them all could result in them rotating around their center rather than the center of the group of objects.
Same with aligning and distribution... this is a feature that often blocks me and seems long overdue, I'm not sure why it's not more obvious for other users!
3 votes -
Transforming 3D effects
For 3D effects such as 'Extrude and Bevel', 'Revolve' and 'Rotate', transformation behaviour is incomplete. For instance:
Scale Strokes and Effects doesn't cause the extrude depth to scale.
Flipping the object only flips the path and not the 3D effect.
Both these things should transform as expected...
7 votes -
Action: Insert Conditional
In the Photoshop Action panel there's "Insert Conditional" allowing you to set logical conditions for action behaviour. Illustrator should have this too. It's neat.
It's useful for making action behaviour more inteligent and relevant to the document, eg. doing one or another thing depending on whether the document is landscape or portrait, colour mode, etc.
Another way it can be used is to create toggle buttons for things that Illustrator doesn't currently have shortcuts for (eg. Scale Strokes & Effects). Presently you have to create two separate keybindings for each action, whereas the conditional allows you to toggle with a…
5 votes -
Impossible to link a psb file
Illustrator 22.1.0 (CC2018) is now unable to import a linked PSB file…
Please fix it quick.3 votes -
Save in Multiple Formats at once.
It would be a HUGE time saving feature.
It is such a waste of time to have to save each individual file I am working on separately. It would be great for instance to be able to save in both ai and pdf formats at the same time. As well as being able to save every file simultaneously in the chosen format / version.
Saving files in Illustrator is a truly Tedious, long drawn out affair.
And of course being able to save in the background so you do not get locked out of other files you are currently working…6 votes -
Export for Screens - bigger window size for "prefix"
On export for screens, the "prefix" section: In addition to adding a checkbox for AI filename, make the prefix window longer. I frequently have longer prefixes and it is a minor pain to scroll over to change a prefix name. There's plenty of room in that box to make it the width of the rest of the export screen.
10 votes -
Can't place the anchor point at the spot I want
Anchor point keeps on placing at the spot I do not want. If I click on the canvas to place an anchor point, it places distances away from where I wish to place.
1 voteMost probably caused by having the Snap to Grid option enabled (or other snapping options) in View menu
get back old buttons and arrows look
could you get back old (prior to CC) look of buttons (non-rounded), and old small arrows? these new ones look pretty ugly.
2 votes -
Zoom one-handed with Magic Mouse
I would like to be able to zoom in and out one handed using a Magic Mouse. I think this could work by using two finger gesture up or down to zoom respectively.
3 votes -
I would really like a drop down menu to pick which graphics card I want to use
I would really like to be able to pick which graphics card I want to use in a drop down instead of illustrator automatically picking. Even though my 1080ti is the primary in my bios, illustrator insists on using the 780ti and I have no way of changing it without disabling my 780 all together. There needs to be a simpler way to change this
3 votes -
Keyboard commands to cycle through layers similar to Photoshop
Please consider a way to navigate, activate, delete and move layers using keyboard commands, similar to photoshop.
6 votes -
Preview for file name with prefix and suffix when exporting for screens
I have three requests about Prefix for filenames -
1. Move it to a more prominent area where it's visible. Sometimes it's pre-populated because of previous exports, but since it's too small and not located anywhere around the artboards, it's very easy to miss it and end up with wrong file names.
2. Make it bigger. Most prefixes have at least two words and the current input doesn't accommodate it. I have to manually scroll through the complete thing with the keyboard. Not very useful.
3. Show a preview of complete file name(s) including prefix and suffix. Right now there's…2 votes
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