Libraries Panel Disappears and cannot be accessed once reopened when you use Ctrl + [ after selecting a swatch or asset from it.
When editing objects colors using swatches, or pulling in an item from the library, if you immediately use Ctrl+[ to change the layer your selection is on, it closes the library panel. When reopened, none of the items in the library appear in the panel, and you cannot save changes to any assets you have currently open

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.1 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi All,
This issue is fixed in the latest 25.1 release.
-Ravi Gupta -
Ravi Gupta commented
Hi All,
Apologies for delayed response here.
We have a resolution for this issue and you would see this fixed in the upcoming Illustrator release. -
Anonymous commented
Yes this is the most irritating issue on this program!
Anonymous commented
It's happening to me as well. It happens when I have a color swatch selected in my library and I use the command cmd + [ or ctrl + [
Saara commented
Omg this is annoying me SOOO much. Only option is to reboot the entire program to get it back which slows down my working constantly as I use the library all the time and don't realise I have it selected when I try to position elements behind one another and boom, it's gone. Can we please get this fixed!
Mark commented
Same issue, more or less. It doesn't prevent me from saving changes, and it doesn't seem to happen EVERY time, but it happens enough that it's very disruptive. I often use only the libraries panel for color selection, so whenever I use a color and then move an object backward, this error is likely to occur. I'm running Illustrator 24.3
Steve McCarthy commented
Having this same issue still in CC2020. The panel goes black and can't be opened again without rebooting Illustrator.
Filip commented
Seems like the CC Libraries panel used a different set of shortcuts and Control + Left Bracket was meant to close the panel... I experience this problem as well and it's very annoying, because it requires you to restart Illustrator every time. I'm surprised Adobe Team noted this bug more than one year ago and still didn't fix it - according to Srishti Bali here
Please, fix it :( -
Anonymous commented
Library is just flat out not working. not sure why. I have to close the program to bring them back which is really not helpful to my workflow
viznov commented
Same issue here
Matthew Allen commented
Same bug here, only when the panel has focus on it then it gets shut down, and I have to relaunch it. Windows 10 64bit, up to date latest 2020 apps.
Isabelle commented
I'm having the same problem! Is there a solution so far? I'm using Windows 10.
ichi903 commented
I too have the same problem and it is getting worse! So frustrating to have to keep relaunching Ai over and over! PLEASE FIX! I am also using Windows 10
Gina commented
I have the same exact problem! The assets come back when you restart Illustrator, but the bug just reoccurs the next time I do that action (pressing Ctrl + [ after choosing a library swatch). It's quite annoying to have to restart Illustrator every time it happens.
Anonymous commented
I had a shape that I wanted to move below another one, so I used the hotkey Ctrl + [ to send it behind. That also seems to close Creative Cloud Libraries. When I go to Window>Libraries to open it, it opens but is blank. I have to restart AI to bring it back.
Anonymous commented
I have a similar issue. When right-clicking on a library item (to access the Edit Original option) the library panel closes and disappears from my side menu. When I reopen the panel, it will not load anything.
I am using AI version 23.0.1 (64bit) on Windows 10.
I've tried a couple fixes with no success. So far I have logged-out of CC and then deleted my locally stored Adobe CC Library files, and then logged back into CC. I've also tried un/reinstalling both Adobe CC and Illustrator apps, neither fixed the issue.