Load texture not working in 2020
Mac OS 10.15.1, Illustrator 2020. For years I've used a custom texture (psd file) that I load into texturizer. But since updating to 2020 Illustrator this custom file doesn't work. I upload the texture file, it looks good in the texturizer panel, but when I click OK nothing happens. When I reopen the selection in the texturizer panel it has "canvas" texture. I'm using the same psd file I've always used. Even when I rename it and save it in Photoshop 2020 I have the same problem.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 25.2.3 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Marcelo Alejandro Islas Alonso commented
I'm working on a Mac 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5, running MacOS Ventura 13.6.4, i try to import a PSD image (i don't know why other formats aren't allowed like in After Effects), with RGB color profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1 using Illustrator 2025.
When the image is load, in the texturizer preview it looks fine, but in the moment i push the OK button it returns to the canva default texture
Marcelo, welcome. You are the first one in 4 years who said it doesn’t work.
I check it and it does for me, on Windows 10 and 11, for the GA and Beta builds.
Please tell more. What are your specs? Does it happen for any texture you try to load? Does it get loaded and when does if fail specifically? Does it differ if you tru CMYK or RGB docs? -
Marcelo Alejandro Islas Alonso commented
2025, and the bug is still operating as bad as it was since its appeareance, Adobe doesn't care about costumers, only when they check out the licensing bill
Anonymous commented
This problem has existed since November 16, 2019. At this point, we should switch this post thread to AI alternatives - hopefully they respect their customers. A few alternative platforms are: Affinity Designer, Sketch, CorelDRAW, Gravit Designer, Inkscape and Vectr. Here's an article link to free alternatives: https://www.techradar.com/news/the-best-free-adobe-illustrator-alternatives
Anonymous commented
April 14 2021 and I have encountered this same problem. Found this thread whilst searching for a solution. Adobe Team can someone please respond re. a timeline for a solution. This is a vital part of my project. The issue is exactly as others have stated. After opening Texturizer and loading a custom .PSD texture, the desired texture Previews correctly but upon clicking OK the object has the default canvas texture applied.
Prue commented
Not working for me either. I was really hoping to use this feature.
jtuque commented
Same. Keeps loading "canvas" after I click to apply the texture
Amy S. commented
This is an issue I've been having since the 2020 update. Adobe, please let me use my tools and fix this!
Kristin commented
January 2021 - also having this same exact issue. Very disappointing Adobe, please fix!!!
Fedup with Adobe commented
I think at this point, it's safe to say that Adobe has no respect for their customers/users. As we point out errors, they continuously create updates that ignore them. Maybe it's time for some collective action to move to other design platforms?
Indigo commented
January 2021, still not fixed. This is ridiculous.
Anonymous commented
january 2021, still not fixed in version 2021!
Jamie Beedy commented
Same Problem in September 2020 With V24.3. Ever going to be fixed??
František Polák commented
Same problem. Over a year and hasn't been fixed...
Christopher Gutiérrez commented
Same issue for me. Reverts to 'canvas' after OK. The custom texture .psd works fine in Photoshop.
Tizicav commented
Hi I have the same problem when trying to apply texture to my illustration, illustrator not responding. I have being trying for two day but I finally realized that is not me but a bu
Please fix it, -
Anonymous commented
Anthony Travaglini commented
I am having the same problem! This is such a huge disappointment for my work flow! I have given up hope and started to going back to complicated work arounds.... :(
Keishen Lloyd commented
Jan 2020 and this still isn't resolved. Ridiculous.
Jermain commented