Dialog box text selection missing blinking cursor
When placing a cursor in a dialog box (ie font size, object transform) the blinking cursor disappears.

I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 24.3.0 which is available worldwide now.
Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.
You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App: https://helpx.adobe.com/in/creative-cloud/help/creative-cloud-updates.html
Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!
Cursor hiding issue in Adobe illustrator here is the solution
Or Main menu
view, show Bounding box -
Nick commented
i still have this problem after recent update, only way to see cursor is to darken the layout, can you please fix?
Kurt Gold commented
I would not label the issue as fixed, Ankit.
It is only partially fixed. Please see my previous comment that refers to the most recent Illustrator version (24.3) on Mac OS.
Kurt Gold commented
The bug has been wounded, but it is still alive here and there. For example:
- File > New (Name text field)
- File > File Info (all text fields)
- Artboard Options dialog (Name text field)
- Preferences > Hyphenation (New Entry text field)
- File > Export > Export for screens (all text fields)
- Edit > Find and Replace (all text fields)
- Edit > Spelling > Check Spelling
- Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts (Search text field)
- Attributes palette: (Notes field)
- Layers palette: Renaming layers by double clicking on the layer name
- Artboards palette: Renaming artboards by double clicking on the artboard name
- Swatches palette: (Search text field)
- Swatches palette: Renaming swatches by double clicking on the swatch name
- Graphic Styles palette: Renaming graphic styles by double clicking on the graphic style name
- Glyphs palette: Both text fiels at the bottom of the palette
- SVG Interactivity palette: JavaScript text field
- Variables palette: Various text fields
And so on.
KDSI commented
Comment of good news deleted...
Really unfortunate this bug still exists.
Since this bug appeared, our team has reluctantly switched Illustrator's UI brightness setting to dark mode. The unfortunate side effect to this is it brings unnecessary contrast from the white artboard to dark ui panels.
BARRY R STOCK commented
Why can't this be fixed? After rebuilding all my prefs after the upgrade, to get key objects working correctly, I go to use a dialog box and can't find the cursor.
You do realize people use this app for real-world, extremely sensitive and critical tasks, don't you? "Oh, I just changed it a thousandth of an inch instead of a ten-thousandth. Now everything else is effed up!"
Things that used to work correctly (for multiple decades) being blithely broken and left broken is a bad show.
KDSI commented
Update 24.2.3 unfortunately still does not fix this issue
This bug continues to present a challenge to efficiency to everyday workflow.
While using the darker interface alleviates this issue, we hope Adobe can fix this bug as the light interface is our team's preferred interface mode.
匿名 commented
ver.24.2.1でも改善していません。Mac OS 10.15.5/iMac (27-inch, 2019)
KDSI commented
Update 24.2.1 does not fix this issue. As @kata1963 and others suggested, turning the interface to the darkest mode allows you to see the cursor. Hope it gets fixed soon as we prefer to lightest UI interface for production purposes.
匿名 commented
ver.24.2.1でも改善していません。Mac OS 10.13.6/iMac (27-inch, 2010)
Ten_A commented
Please see below info about this issue.The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
1. Set UI brightness to "Light" (the brightest one)
2. All panels text field's caret almost invisible.Your expected result
Carets color is too light to recognize.Your actual result
If the UI setting is light as in the previous version, please set dark the color of the caret. -
hamko1114 commented
下記の環境両方で再現しており、リリースされたばかりのver.24.2.1でも改善していません。Mac OS Mojave(10.14.6)/iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019)
Mac OS Mojave(10.14.6)/MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013)とりあえずの対策としてUIを暗いカラーに変更して利用していますが、早急に修正してほしいです。
I am also having trouble with the same bug.
When the UI brightness is set to "Light" (the brightest one), the caret in the input area is almost invisible.
It's happening in both of the following environments, and hasn't improved in the just-released ver.24.2.1.Mac OS Mojave (10.14.6)/iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2019)
Mac OS Mojave (10.14.6)/MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013)I'm using the dark UI as a workaround, but I hope this bug is fixed soon.
KDSI commented
Great catch! Yes I can see the cursor now if I change the UI color.
I prefer the lightest color but until this bug is fixed, I will change it to a darker color.
kata1963 commented