Selection tolerance does not apply for selecting handles and is broken for points
Selection tolerance does not work for handles selection. You need to be very precise to select them. When smart guides are on, it works, but not when they are off.. For my type of work it's better to work without smart guides.
Alexandre Soubrier commented
Grabbing bezier points is a nightmare. There is no tolerance (the one in preferences works only for anchor points) and there is no cursor change (although there is one on anchor points).
I show you how this nightmare can be with a gif.
And I show you how other softwares handle this problem by changing the cursor over a handle bezier point. -
Max Hancock commented
Using Illustrator 23.0.1 and this is still broken! I need to zoom in so close to select and move anything that isn't a big solid shape.
Saurabh commented
Is there a solution for this in the latest update? I'm still facing problems while selecting and moving the anchor points from the path
Rombout Versluijs commented
The Tollorance is still broken, example set it to 1px and try to select something. It selects it even while its 50-100px aside of it.
Another super annoying issue, it constantly goes into rotation mode. Im riding a rolleer coast here because i need to none stop zoomin and out.
They really broke this part and has been like this for quite ome versions. I think somewhere around 2015/2016 it started to act like this.
Jlo commented
Selection in the new illustrator is so annoying, I've had no problems with all older Illustrator versions, before it went to creative cloud. Why has it changed? You have to really zoom in to select anything below 1cm, it wasn't like this before. I think its because they've added the curve dots to the corners which we don't think we need. I've seen lots of other people commenting about the same thing. There are other things that have changed too, for example, when switching between tools, it doesn't remember what was selected when you want to use the pencil on the selection. Please can adobe look into changing some of these things back that people loved about illustrator in the first place. If it ain't broke it don't fix it, thanks.
Leo Vitalis commented
The tollerance setting was broken in the previous version. Now in 22.1 it has been fixed for the node points, but it still doesn't work for handles. It is easier to select handles in older versions with tolerance set to 8px, then it is now with bigger handles, but with broken tolerance.
The tolerance for selection bug seems to be fixed in last version (22.1), which can be installed manually. Have you tried it?
Mat commented
Work with bezier handles is a nightmare. Is very hard to grab and move a handle. Also it shouldn't be dependent on smart guides option.
Sanesca commented
This! The issue is genuinely annoying, it just makes my work so uncomfortable
Leo Vitalis commented
Thanks! Yeah, I will try it out.
Leo, have you tried the last beta? Tolerance works fine there
Leo Vitalis commented
Yep, it does seem to be broken. I've tested it on older versions, and it works fine there. There's a feature request to make the handles bigger to make them easier to grab. However, it may be just a bug with the tolerance feature.
Seem to be fixed in latest beta
AI CC 2017 doesn't feel and apply the tolerance, set in Preferences > Selection & Anchor Display!
I've just checked this in CS6. While fresh instalment doesn't do as you show, after setting 8px everything is OK. But in CC — NO.
Please see the animation attached. -
Anonymous commented
When editing the handles from a point in a vector line/shape, it usually takes high accuracy to select the handle. It can be very frustrating to try and grab a handle, and you end up grabbing the shape underneath it instead - and moving the shape instead of adjusting the handle. I guess the tolerance on how close the cursor needs to be to the handle, has something to do with this. Maybe putting in a different logic that will understand that if a point on a line is selected and it displays the handles - then it is highly likely that the users next step will be to grab and edit the handles.
I hope this made any sense :-)
Cheers, Thor
G. Lafontant commented
When I hover over an anchor point with the direct selection tool, the cursor gives a visual clue that I am actually over it. When I click on the end of handle (successfully) it does as well. But if I click and drag but miss the handle end (which does not get bigger when I zoom,) it goes into selection mode and the handle goes away. This is annoying. I would like the cursor to change before I click on the handle end (while hovering - like it does on an anchor.) That way, I can tell when I'm actually in the correct spot to grab the handle before I click and drag and, frustratingly, lost the handle and have to reselect the anchor.